Community Posts, Tips & Support on First Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on First Trimester.

Been given a date for my c-section!!

Ahhh. So I know when I'm going to have baby boy!! 4th April. The countdown is on. As I had a csection the first time I was given a choice between natural and csection. I have decided to have a csection again and this is the date given. Everything feels so real now. I need to get everything ready!!! Anyone el...


Reduced Excitement?

In the beginning, everyone was so excited. Calls, messages like"How are you feeling? Have you had a scan? What are you craving?" It felt like I had a whole support system cheering me on. But lately? Silence. It’s like people think pregnancy is only interesting in the first few months. Now, I bring up baby stuff, an...


Dreading the sickness?

Hey guys. Is anyone else dreading being sick with baby number 2? I'm worried about dropping my son off at his Childminder and having days off with him. Sounds horrible but I was so bad last time 🙈


L&D notes

Anyone else keeps notes while in labor or is it just me? 🤣 I can’t wait to see how it turns out this time with my last 🫶🏽


Still on track?

Ok march mamas how many of us are there still holding out until march? I heard people out here giving birth this month! 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 Are we ready or mortified?


Pregnant again!

Has anyone had any experience of being pregnant again at 4.5 months postpartum?! I’m so nervous as I know you’re advised to wait until 18 months postpartum!



Hey guys my baby girl turned one on Valentine’s Day! She’s been really off for the past week and I thought it was just her teething. I’ve become a lil bit more overwhelmed at tiny regular tasks and TIRED. I took a pregnancy test this morning and it came back positive! I’m just wondering how hard it is going from one...


Any babies being born?

I'm on a FB group for March due date and there's for more activity on there. Also plenty of updates from mums that babies have already been born! Has anyone had theirs yet? I'm 35 weeks and just finished work yesterday 🥰 It's also half term which is nice so I csn spend some quality time with my other 2 children!


My baby girl is here!

Thank God she's here 2 days early. Started having mild cramps at 330am and they had got worse by 7am. I woke my hubby, we got to the hospital at 945a and I was already 10cm dilated! Pushed for 2 hours and she got here at 1148am on the 17th. Can't believe how quickly everything progressed, especially for my first b...


Oh snap

Anyone else pregnant again?🤣 I currently have my 18 month old (July 23), my 7 month old(june 24) and now I'm due in October 25, 3 under 3, panicking a little!


Thinking everything is labor😂

FTM, almost 37 weeks and in the phase of wondering if everything is labor. I don't actually think baby is going to come early but I had some minor cramps tonight and was like "is this it?!" 😂


36 weeks! 🤰🏻

I am due March 13, I am 36 and 4 days pregnant. This will be my second child, he will be a boy 💙☺️ I have a daughter that is 5! This will be my first experience going full time 🤞🏼 I had my daughter at 34 weeks with a 7 day NICU stay. I was robbed of so many things with my daughter which as breastfeeding, skin to…


overdue mums x

I was due 15th feb still no sign of baby boy i know im not that over due but i was so adamant he would be early by a couple days at least! he seems so comfy ive tried everything anyone else feeling deflated x


Pregnancy due date month disappointment

Hi , I don’t know if anyone else has experienced this. My first child was born in February 2023. We planned that we would try for our second baby January/ February/march 25 so we would end up with a October/november/ early December baby 25 just before our little one turns 3 I don’t want a huge age gap ( would love...


Make sure yall got yalls bags packed and car seat ready 😂

Well mamas I went into labor early this morning and my baby wasn’t due until March 16th 😬 we didn’t have nothing ready lmfao. Was going to hop on everything this week but babygirl said naw you waited too long mama. We had to throw my toddlers stuff together in a rush this morning, take her to my sisters and get to…


How long did it take you to conceive baby #2?

Hey mammas, how long did it take you to conceive baby #2? If it happened quickly the first time did it take longer the second time?


Miss being pregnant

Does anyone else miss being pregnant? Of course am so happy my little girl is here all happy and healthy and making memories but can’t help miss being pregnant I miss being able to feel her move, the appointments the scans everything🥲


Anyone else feel like they’ve been pregnant for ages?

I’m not sure if it’s because I’ve had an ivf pregnancy and therefore had around 6 weeks of injections and prep before I transferred or because my anomaly scan is a bit later than most people’s but I feel like I should be further along than I am 😂 anyone else the same? All my friends keep saying it’s going by fast…


10 weeks and 4 days

Anyone else on their second pregnancy but look the same at 10 weeks as you did at like 15 weeks with your first? I thought it was bloat but it’s not 🫣😂


Going Out

When did y’all feel comfortable to go outside with your baby? I’m 2 weeks post partum and want to feel normal! I’m thinking no earlier than one month or what’s your opinions?


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