Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.
Hey ladies. 24 weeks here. Just curious when you ladies got this test done. I’m thinking of waiting until 26 weeks :)
Many people tell me that my belly is too small for being 6 months pregnant and sometimes I feel sad because they tell me that I don't look pregnant, but it doesn't matter, I love seeing it and knowing that my baby is there
Hey!!! Any other mamas on here that have had multiple kids that can feel cervical changes?? This is baby #4! I just had my 29 wks apt and baby is already head down and engaged in my pelvis but we won't start cerv8cal checks till 32 wks but I feel like I've either thinned alot or have actually dilated a bit.. a...
I went in to triage with reduced movement and I’m not sure if the midwives forgot that I was there as I was behind a curtain but they were discussing amongst themselves how women ‘make it up’ just to get seen. Not sure why anyone would make this up but I just felt like it was so horrible for a mum to hear whilst she...
Does anyone who have had a NIPT test mind sharing their results and if you have had baby, was your result accurate? Also, if you went through NHS did they tell you what baby’s gender was too?
Wanting to know others experiences for the GD test. Had mine this morning, drink was fine and quite tasty. Not hard to drink at all. Sat down for my 2hr wait and felt completely fine. All of a sudden 1.5hrs in to my wait I was sick. 😭 I spoke to the nurses who said the test is now void and I have to do it again…
Anyone else plus size and pregnant and sick of hearing about it! I know being over weight and being pregnant can have its complications do I wish I was smaller before becoming pregnant yes, was I trying also yes I lost 2stone 8lb for my wedding and fell pregnant on honeymoon! Met an anaesthetist yesterday who was ...
I’m 27 and a half weeks and been feeling nauseous again the last week or two, with a funny taste in my mouth again. Starting to think the first trimester symptoms are reappearing… anyone else had the same? Not been sick but constantly have to eat so it subsides.
Has anyone taken these to help fall pregnant ?
Hey yall! I am 31 weeks and went to the doctor Tuesday, my blood pressure was 165/88 and baby boys heart beat was 144 which is normal for him but my doctor told me my blood pressure was really high and now I’m on weekly appointments and if it’s high this next time around I will have to be on medicine. He told me I’m...
Hey, has anyone had an upset stomach start around 32 weeks? The last week I’ve had diarrhoea most days and I can’t say I’m enjoying it! I hope not a sign of labour soon?
I just had my third and baby was a surprise pregnancy. I’ve never been on birth control nor have I wanted to, but now with 3 I’m a little panicked of if I should?… we want a 4th and final baby in a couple years so I definitely don’t want anything to get in the way of that. I’m breastfeeding and get so weird about ta...
About 2 weeks ago I randomly got a light headache and then my vision got all weird, was seeing blotches and zigzags, about 10 minutes after that started my finger tips in my left hand got tingly and numb. It went away about 20 mins later. I told my ob and she tested me fore preclampsia to rule it out got both 24 hou...
30+ years ago long before I was born my mother lost her first child at 8mo. She had to be induced into labor and give birth to her lifeless child. The whole experience is horrifying. What’s more horrifying is that we live in a country where mothers will be forced to keep carrying their rainbow babies until the point...
(I’m excited to get some income back) I stopped working on 10/29 My documents were approved yesterday at EDD and I have the benefits provided for me online now, It’s about a week wait or so until I receive benefits right?
I'm wondering if anyone else had the NIPT test while pregnant with twins? I had it during my last pregnancy with my daughter, but I heard it's not accurate with twins. Where it costs so much I wanted to see if anyone else had it and if it was accurate for them. Has anyone experienced this?
About a month before I found I was pregnant I started suffering from panick attacks and really bad anxiety where I now and again feel as if I can’t breathe like my breath is taken away and I can’t take a full deep breath. My mum suffered from them around my age and I’ve managed to manage it up to now with breathing ...
I had my blood test last Thursday and haven’t had my results back properly yet but my results have been uploaded on my app and it says levels were 13.7. Please can anyone advise whether this is okay? Sorry I really don’t understand what levels are normal and Google isn’t helping! I have emailed my midwife but haven’...
I am 20 weeks & this is my second pregnancy and I’m all around terrified. I guess I’m just more aware now than I was 7 years ago and so is my anxiety unfortunately. I have recently started to feel consumed with the thought of dying during child birth and I cannot shake it. I’m very worried about preeclampsia. I have...
Looking for abit of advice. I never had bad anxiety when I carried my first baby. I always worried but tried no to over think, Now I’m almost 6 weeks pregnant with my second and I am a nervous wreck. I keep thinking the worst and then thinking it’s not real, I have an appointment with my midwife when I’m 8 weeks ...