Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.
Anyone else feel like they should be much bigger for the week they are? Went to midwife at the beginning of the week and she said she might send me for a growth scan in 3 weeks time after our next appt as belly looking a bit small. He’s definitely getting stronger as I can feel it in his movements so not worried but...
I’m a type 6 🙂
I was 13+1 here 🥺 how far along were you all when you went for your gender scan? Not sure when to book mine for!
I'm currently 13 weeks + 4 days and had my 12 week scan on Tuesday. Can anyone who understands the nub theory tell me your guesses please? 🩷💙
Can anyone guess the gender? 12 & 20 week scan xx
Top scan is my daughter who is now almost two. Bottom scan is our August arrival, 12 weeks + 5. Maybe a sister on the way?
Has anyone else been sent for a growth scan and CTG at 32 weeks as baby is measuring small? I’m a bit confused as during a private growth scan on Saturday I was told baby was measuring a week ahead and today at the midwife appointment I’ve been told he’s measuring small on the chart 🤷♀️ Trying not to worry, but…
I feel like I’m going crazy, I had some phantom kicks postpartum but nothing like what I’ve been having recently. I’ve taken pregnancy test everything is negative, I’m having pregnancy symptoms like crazy and I’ve gonna to the hospital a few months back for extreme cramping they said I’m not pregnant but everything ...
My first pregnancy was in COVID 2020, they’ve booked my first appointment I take it that partners or whoever you have for support just attend scans not midwife appointments?
I've got my 12 week scan the day of my nephews birthday . We will all be going round there that night, should I wait and not tell the news then ? Is it selfish of me. If we don't tell them then I'm not sure when we would see them after that that didn't look suspicious . He will be 9 so I'm sure he couldn't care less...
Any theories? 🥰 Had my 12w scan today!
I can’t believe I’ve made it this far! After a miscarriage around 6 weeks and an ectopic pregnancy in the past, I just had my first ever positive scan 😭😭 I can’t quite believe it and it doesn’t feel real! But it was clear to see a little baby with a little pulsing heart beat❤️ also been told I’m 7+3, 3 days ahead…
I have anxiety and I’m newly pregnant I got all my screening done etc and just wondering are you contacted if any of the stid flag up In your bloods? It’s been a few weeks and not heard anything
Hi guys x I had my 20 week scan and everything was in the normal range, however they said that the diameter of her head (the BPD) was a little smaller than average, measuring at 42.9 mm. Her head circumference (HC) is in the normal range though. She was also lying in an awkward position so I don’t know if that could...
Has anyone else been told their little one is in the third percentile Had a scan 2/3 weeks ago as my little man was measuring in the 10th percentile at 29 weeks and yesterday I had an extra scan and his dropped to 3.7 % I’m a little all over the place and am worried his percentile has dropped he started at 50% wh...
Had my 20w scan a few days ago but I was 21w+4, how much did your little ones weigh? Mine was 405g. Xx
Sorry another one here after my 12week scan, what do we think? Boy or girl? I think one picture looks like a girl and then the other looks like a boy? 🩷💙
My baby has dropped in percentile every growth scan. Started at 56% to 14% to 5.6% and now 2.9% at 34+4. My doc isn’t too worried cuz dad and I are small people and he’s still healthy but seeing a 1% abdomen measurement is so scary. Does anyone have positive birth stories with percentile readings this low?
Baby is measuring right on track from our last ultrasound. 💗 They did discover I have two small hematomas, has anyone else had them? They’re doing another scan in a week to see if they shrink or not.
Found out today at my 36w scan that baby is head down, but is sunny side up. Has anyone delivered a sunny side up baby & what was your experience? Or anyone else get this news recently? Doc said it would be fine but could result in a harder/longer labor 🫠