Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Scans.
Had my 12 week scan today. Baby due on the 30th June. I am thinking baby girl..
Had an early scan today. Saw a heartbeat, which was amazing. I thought I was 6+3, but measuring at 5+3... I was also told I have a haemorrhage (3.9mm x 3.4mm x 1.4mm). Although I've not had any bleeding yet, the sonographer said that it's likely I'll get some. Has anyone had one of these, and measured small, and i...
Can anyone help me understand what the results of a growth scan mean. I had a scan a couple of days ago at exactly 28 weeks, and baby was ahead of her expected growth. However, each body part had different measurements. For example, her head was 28weeks and 4 days, whilst her stomach was 29 weeks 4 days. Is this nor...
I am currently 18 weeks pregnant and had my 1st baby 9 months ago. I feel this baby kick all the time ever since I was about 16 weeks. When I told my dr she said the baby would have to kick pretty hard in order for me to feel it. So it kind of makes me nervous maybe they got my due date wrong and my baby is older? I...
Had my 12 week scan today, what do people think?
Hi all, my growth scan on Thursday was cancelled last minute due to the sonographer being sick. Since then I've tried to call so many times to get a new appt and can't get thru to anyone. Just concerned as I have a consultant appt on 2nd Jan and there aren't too many working days left. Anyone got a number other then...
I’m 31+4, My midwife measured my bump on Thursday and I was measuring 29 weeks.. 3 weeks before I was measuring 28weeks.. so they sent me for a growth scan as I’d only grown 1 week in 3 weeks. Anyway, in the growth scan, babys measuring 3.13lbs.. I didn’t get much clarification as to if this is small or not! Has an...
Had our gender scan yesterday at WTTW. 16 weeks and 4 days. Due 2 June!
When should I go to my first OBGYN appointment? This is my first pregnancy and I’m currently 4 weeks and three days pregnant. Any suggestions would be appreciated!! My boobs have these bump thingys on them, my lower part of my stomach feels like period cramps but a bit worse, I’ve been nauseous, constipated, and I’...
Had a growth scan yesterday and baby is 5.3lbs. I’m 34 weeks. Do you think it’s a good weight?
I just had my 12 week 3 day ultrasound today and curious if anyone has any gender predictions based on the nub theory or their own ultrasounds/experiences! Would love to hear some guesses 😅❤️
So I’ve got a 4D scan next week and I’ll be 26+6 days so pretty much 27 weeks, I’ve looked and apparently 27 weeks is a good time to get a 4D scan when you have an anterior placenta. Has anyone got an anterior placenta and has a 4D scan, just curious as to how clear the scan was and how well it went?
Heya, any recommendations for where to get a private scan? I’m at week 4 + 4 days. I would love a scan at 6 weeks! I haven’t even been contacted by my midwife yet and I just want to know all is ok ☺️
Hi! Has anyone had a private scan at 6 weeks? Are they able to see anything?
Soo I’m 12 weeks on Wednesday 🎉 but I won’t be getting my scan for another three weeks from then. Anyone else’s hospitals super busy apparently? 😩
Scan in split screen. Doctors very vague. Have to goes back on tuesday freaking out theres more than one baby. Sac measured 4.2 at 5 weeks but there is also 4.0. Is this different angles or two sacs i have PCOS and baby is in the womb no ectopic. Dr said will confirm on tuesday? Anyone has this?
This was our gender scan where we found out we were having a little boy! Can’t help but worry about the size. Are his legs abnormally chunky or are they normal?
Hey ladies, im 23 weeks 4 days now, had a visit with my obg today, she measured my bump and said that its gonna be a big baby, also she mentioned that baby is 89 percentile as per my anamoly scan which was done on 19th week, should i be worried about this? Am i doing anything wrong? Or should i be doing something? ...
Had our scan today at 11w+1d.. measured spot on waiting for the email of all pics and videos but it was soooo cute watching them bend there legs and push back up! In love with baby peanut!!!! 🥰🥰
Feeling deflated… thought I was 6+3 but when I had a EPU scan this morning they said I’m looking at 5W and no heartbeat yet.. I’m so scared :(