Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Symptoms

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Symptoms.


My son had blood work recently and it was all normal except for “mcv” was high his doctor just said to drink more water.. Anyone else? Something similar?


Quickening / movement ?

Has anyone felt any movements yet? I’m a FTM and will be 18 weeks on Wednesday. I’ve started to maybe feel something occasionally but nothing I feel I can say it ‘definitely baby’. Are you feeling anything yet? How would you describe it? It’s so exciting!



Anyone else seriously struggling?? Baby keeps moving it’s making me feel sick I just want her to give it a rest for a second, my heart burn has been insane and I’m just done 😭😭😭


morning sickness and cramping

so i’m 10 weeks pregnant, and morning sickness is nearly debilitating. sometimes i wake up and i have a nice 10/15 min before i become violently sick. however i have been a little paranoid because im not cramping as often as i was in early pregnancy. is that normal around this time? i don’t want to call my doctor fo...



Anyone else feel like they’re running on absolute empty and have no motivation to do anything? I’m slacking HARD at work, and I just can’t bring myself to do anything despite having lots I need to do. Just don’t have the energy or the will.


Morning sickness

I am seven weeks pregnant and I have had morning sickness for the past 2 1/2 weeks that last all day. I don’t recall having this intensity with our daughter. So I’m wondering if I’m carrying a boy. Thoughts? Twins also running my family. I really just don’t want to eat anything. Everything makes me nauseous even sme...


Acid reflux/GERD

I feel something like a bump or a feeling something is in my throat on the right hand side and it’s driving me insane. Does anyone know if this is a common symptom of acid reflux? And how to help it thanks x



I’m 37 + 3 today, my bump has been quite firm/tight on and off most of the day today with light period cramps … not sure if this is Braxton hicks or what it could be? Is she getting close? Also had a growth scan today where she measured 7lbs 🫣


My baby fell off the bed

Mom guilt is hitting hard today—My 3 month old rolled off the bed, and I feel awful. He cried right away and seems okay now, he is sleeping, but I’m still so worried. I’ve been watching him closely, but has this happened to anyone else? What signs should I look out for, and when should I be concerned? Definitely a r...


Pushchair. Still using or not?

This may be a really silly question but I’m wondering if anyone else out there is still using the pushchair when out in busy places or for a long period of time? I get really anxious when we’re out in shopping centres etc when they’re busy and like my daughter being in the pushchair this way I can know she’s safe....


Newborn dry lips

My baby has had dry lips since been born now a month on still dry has little squares on the lips of dry patches? Struggling to understand why? He drinks well and isn’t dehydrated? Anyone else had this I’ve attached a pic. I just don’t get why and what to do.


discomfort in stomach

30w pregnant - middle of stomach feels very swollen and hard. is also radiating heat. it reallllly hurts too. i’m guessing it’s just because of weight?


Bloody nose?

Has anyone’s baby (7months) had a running bloody nose due to congestion and sneezing?


Dreams about ex

Ok so my ex and I were good friends for years . Then dated . Amicably split . No longer in contact and I’ve been married for 6 years now but the past 3 years I’ve been dreaming about my ex . When I first read into it , it was things like maybe I just miss my previous lifestyle of dating being that my current blended...


Feeling abnormally exhausted ?

I’m 5 weeks pp and my joints are killing me 🥲 Everyday I wake up feeling like a bus hit me with all the aches and pains in my knees , feet , back and whole body in general Surely this isn’t normal? I’m taking vitamin d , iron and magnesium but not as often as I should but my body is so shattered. Is it just my…


Diarrhea as sign of labor? 37 weeks

I had diarrhea 3 times yesterday and looked it up and it says it can be a sign labor is starting in 24-48 hours. I woke up all throughout the night last night with cramping and convincing myself that I was going into labor, but woke up this morning and no contractions (beyond my very regular Braxton hicks). I have f...


35.5 weeks

Anyone else having all day dull cramps like you have your period? I’m in mild pain but it’s nothing consistent and not progressive



How tall are your LOs in cm?


Sickness & Nausea

When did sickness & nausea start?


Vomiting starting 12-13 weeks

I haven’t had any sickness only nausea but since hitting 12 weeks my nausea seems to have ramped up and I’m now feeling nauseous in the mornings as well as evenings whereas before it was just evenings. I’ve also vomited twice now once last week, and once this morning after breakfast. I thought symptoms were meant ...


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