Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Toddler & Child.
My daughter is gonna be 3 in May. And I’m having such trouble. She keeps putting her hand down her pull-up and if you know what I mean, I always have to clean her up because she wants to know what is in there. It makes me so mad but I don’t know how to control it. And my family wants her to start potty training, but...
I was feeding my baby today and then I realised when do I know when to stop?? He would have polished the whole bowl of puréed broccoli. I’m worried I may have over fed him.
I would love to start weaning LO off the boob but every time she’s hungry or tired she’s at me. I need snack ideas to keep in the changing bag. Ideally shop bought as I’m a mum of 2 and have no time to make snacks on top of everything else. What are your go to snacks?
What's everyone's doing with childcare? Are you doing nursery or childminder?
I have just been told that my daughter doesn’t qualify for free childcare till September even though she 9 month in June. What is everyone else doing about this?
I really struggle to entertain him at home. He always just wants the TV on and goes crazy with it off Any suggestions? Or new toys? 😩
Hi all!! My oldest will be six soon and in 1st grade starting in August. Looking for an online curriculum that has all subjects and lessons ready for me to teach. Would prefer something free but willing to pay! Any good recommendations?
Other than bloom and baby sensory wakefield (Wrenthorpe) what other classes are good to go to nearby? Doesn’t have to be sensory classes just any to get us out of the house please.
Is anyone else's LO just not eating? My daughter has always been a great eater and try different foods and has a very varied diet. Over the past couple of weeks it feels like she's surviving a whole day on a bite of a banana and a yogurt.. I dont know what to do. She point blank refuses her meals, even when I know i...
How many times should we be offering purées and/or solid food a day? (BLW) He drinks 25-30 oz of formula a day and we offer once a day but should we be doing more?
My daughter absolutely loves helping clean, she loves using the dustpan and brush but I want her to have her own. Would the one in picture be suitable or are there any others that anyone recommends? It'll be an additional gift for her birthday, as I got her main gifts already Thanks ladies x
Me and my partner have been invited over to his mums birthday meal this weekend, it's booked for 7pm Friday night in a restaurant. 1 hour away drive. That's bang on my daughters bedtime as we start her routine at that time. She's 8 months old, is usually bathed, read to, breastfed and rocked to sleep. I just know if...
Hi, does anyone know why the above nursery is so much more expensive than others around. It's £1995 (for a 9am start, the cost increases for 8am or 7.30am). Thanks
Hi mommies! Can’t believe our babies are turning 6 months this month 😭 how the time has passed 😮💨 baby girl is officially starting solids, I’m a FTM so if you all have any baby food recipes recommendations, let me know!
My stepkids mom hasn’t had a car in at least 2 or so years now and seemingly doesn’t plan to get one. She will occasionally borrow her bfs mom’s car but even when she has it she doesn’t really do any transportation for the kid. She’s taken her to and from school a total of 2-3 times now despite there being opportuni...
My little one is 6 & 1/2 months old and she doesn’t seem interested in weaning. We have tried with purees snd will have 1 mouthful and then turn her head away and spit it out. Anyone else in the same boat
Hi all! I’m going to be away with baby for 2 nights, 3 days staying in a hotel. When we’ve been away previously, baby has had puree foods but now she refuses to eat unless it’s finger food haha. What do i do about breakfast and dinner?! Limited options in regards to being able to cook since we will be in a hotel r...
Looking for any easy lunch ideas for fussy toddlers? We are stuck in the ham sandwich, toast and cheese, and beans on toast rut. She won’t eat eggs, and I occasionally make pancakes (sometimes she’ll eat them, sometimes she won’t). I’ve mostly given up on her food as she’s very fussy, and I’m hoping maybe I can fi...
What kind of sippy cup do yall 1 year old drink milk out of
My son will NOT stop crying everytime I put him down. He will feed and fall asleep I’ll put him down he wakes up crying and hungry and repeat. I gave up and gave him a bottle and he was fine and I for sure know he got enough I put him down and he’s instantly crying. I tried a soother didn’t want to take it I’ve trie...