Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Toddler & Child.
I provide food for my daughter when she is at her childminders and it is always a variation of this. The bottom layer may be things like a sandwich, pin wheels or fritatta but rarely anything else, and always with cucumber sticks/olives/cherry tomatos. Middle is always fruit, and then bread sticks/malt loaf/crackers...
Has anyone used any different filters other than a Tommee Tippee one in the prep machine?
My mil seems to have the impression she’s entitled to make decisions on my behalf regarding my toddler. She chopped a piece of her hair off because it was “sticky” with food and wouldn’t comb through. Her hair looks horrendous in a ponytail now. I explained to her that she shouldn’t have done that and that could’ve ...
Hey, is anyone else’s baby refusing to eat meat? She likes fish but refuses meat and gags before it’s even near her mouth. I’ve tried chicken, lamb, pork and beef and she doesn’t like any of it. Tried blending it too incase it’s the texture but still won’t eat. Curious to see if anyone else is having similar or how ...
My twin girls haven’t really showed any signs of being ready for potty training/knowing the feeling of needing a wee or a poo but we want to give it a go anyway and have them all excited about wearing big girl knickers. Does anyone have any tips of how we do it successfully first time round?😅🤞
I am probably overthinking it but I have to switch my daughter's nursery by the end of the month. she is 2 years old and she has been there since 11 months old she is fully settled there and has amazing bonds. I am just so upset for her and worried about how this will effect her or if she will settle at a new nurser...
There has been a lot going on in my life recently…… I am staying with my family right now and it’s been very stressful. I am looking for a job so I can work on moving out. The problem is I don’t have a lot of help to do so, on top of that they are always putting me down on how I choose to raise my child. Everything ...
No judgements here because parenting is hard. However, a close friend of mine, who I love, parents very differently to me and, in my opinion, does not discipline her child well. Her child runs wild and very much is in charge. My eldest is nearly 2 and getting to the point where tantrums and misbehaving is becoming ...
Looking for recommendations for baby massage classes in Colchester please
My 2 year old is starting to get board with a lot of his toys. I'm just curious what are some of your 2 year olds favorite toys they play with?
We currently use NumNum spoons but we're thinking of transitioning to toddler cutlery. Does anyone have ones they'd really recommend?
So in November of 2024 I found out that my husband (we’ve been married since February 2024) was cheating on me since we met. We met in June of 2023. He told me I was the only person he was talking to. I was on his computer and seen over 20 different message threads between him and other people male and female. When ...
My daughter is going to be three soon, and she always wants to change the channel. So I am very curious with some advice, about how to curve that or anything like that. Because it is very constant and very annoying. Now I’m regretting putting the TV on in the first place for her.
My daughter is gonna be 3 in May. And I’m having such trouble. She keeps putting her hand down her pull-up and if you know what I mean, I always have to clean her up because she wants to know what is in there. It makes me so mad but I don’t know how to control it. And my family wants her to start potty training, but...
I was feeding my baby today and then I realised when do I know when to stop?? He would have polished the whole bowl of puréed broccoli. I’m worried I may have over fed him.
I would love to start weaning LO off the boob but every time she’s hungry or tired she’s at me. I need snack ideas to keep in the changing bag. Ideally shop bought as I’m a mum of 2 and have no time to make snacks on top of everything else. What are your go to snacks?
What's everyone's doing with childcare? Are you doing nursery or childminder?
I have just been told that my daughter doesn’t qualify for free childcare till September even though she 9 month in June. What is everyone else doing about this?
I really struggle to entertain him at home. He always just wants the TV on and goes crazy with it off Any suggestions? Or new toys? 😩
Hi all!! My oldest will be six soon and in 1st grade starting in August. Looking for an online curriculum that has all subjects and lessons ready for me to teach. Would prefer something free but willing to pay! Any good recommendations?