Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Toddler & Child.
How are we getting our little ones to stop eating throwing their food?? My son keeps throwing food on the floor and than getting super happy when the dogs come to grab it. But because of that he’s almost not eating now 😭😵💫 I’ve told him no, no we don’t throw. And i continue to do that. I’ve taken his food away…
When I met my fiancé and now baby daddy he came annoyingly as a “package deal” with a cat. This cat, although cute, is the most annoying cat I’ve ever encountered on an nighttime and early morning. As a full time working mum i go to bed early and wake up early . My fiancé comes up quietly most of the time and then...
Hi, Do you all count calories that your baby consumed to make sure they’re reaching the daily goal? I am losing my mind trying to get my boy to eat as much as he’s “supposed” to throughout the day and it’s really taking a toll on my mental health! He consumes 20 oz whole milk per day (sometimes an oz or two more, s...
Is it bad that I prefer to spoon feed my baby rather than do blw? I’ve tried but she just doesn’t seem interested. I’m worried she’ll end up missing out on skills that come with blw. At least I know she’s definitely eating what I give her.
I had a debate with a coworker about kids and if they need discipline or not so I'm curious what you all think
We have a 10 month old together. It was my 30th birthday over the weekend and I told him I wanted to go away since last year. I never do anything for my birthday but he does normally get me a gift. I always plan things for his birthday and buy him presents. Anyway I ended up planning a little trip away and I paid fo...
Maybe it’s my personal opinion but I just witnessed my neighbor continuously holding his young adopted daughter from behind. He was “teaching” her how to throw a ball for their dog but her butt was right in his groin area tight. I never seen anyone teach someone to throw a ball that way. Nor do I feel it is necessar...
My older sister is coming home with her first baby soon maybe tonight or tomorrow. I’m at her house with my two kids. I’m watching her dogs, I cleaned up the bulk of the mess she didn’t have the energy to get to leading up to labor and I put her rocking chair together. She still has to put the rest of their baby stu...
As toddler mom. I feel defeated all the time and low but he's a joy
What is the right age to start swimming lessons?
My son will be 2 next week, and my daughter will be 3 months old next week. When he was born I did feel abit sad that he wasn’t a girl but 2 years later he is my absolute world and I wouldn’t change him for a thing. However we found out 2nd time around that we were having a girl! So of course I love her, I’m b...
Does anyone here in Vegas have an LPN license? I’m looking for someone that obtain a license here in Vegas meaning you went to school here and you obtained your license. I am interested in the program, but I’m having a really hard time finding a school out here that’s very decent to attend. It seems like no one in V...
My son just does scribbles but I saw some pictures that one of the girls in his preschool had done and she’d drawn planes and people. My son could never do that!
Please help. Nobody I know has been through this and I’m super anxious of the dentist anyway. I had a wisdom tooth removed and the blood clot never formed so now I have a dry socket. I’m booked in tomorrow but what do they do? The pain isn’t unbearable- I had a failed epidural and 38 hour labour that was less painf...
I provide food for my daughter when she is at her childminders and it is always a variation of this. The bottom layer may be things like a sandwich, pin wheels or fritatta but rarely anything else, and always with cucumber sticks/olives/cherry tomatos. Middle is always fruit, and then bread sticks/malt loaf/crackers...
Has anyone used any different filters other than a Tommee Tippee one in the prep machine?
My mil seems to have the impression she’s entitled to make decisions on my behalf regarding my toddler. She chopped a piece of her hair off because it was “sticky” with food and wouldn’t comb through. Her hair looks horrendous in a ponytail now. I explained to her that she shouldn’t have done that and that could’ve ...
Hey, is anyone else’s baby refusing to eat meat? She likes fish but refuses meat and gags before it’s even near her mouth. I’ve tried chicken, lamb, pork and beef and she doesn’t like any of it. Tried blending it too incase it’s the texture but still won’t eat. Curious to see if anyone else is having similar or how ...
My twin girls haven’t really showed any signs of being ready for potty training/knowing the feeling of needing a wee or a poo but we want to give it a go anyway and have them all excited about wearing big girl knickers. Does anyone have any tips of how we do it successfully first time round?😅🤞
I am probably overthinking it but I have to switch my daughter's nursery by the end of the month. she is 2 years old and she has been there since 11 months old she is fully settled there and has amazing bonds. I am just so upset for her and worried about how this will effect her or if she will settle at a new nurser...