Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.
I’ve been trying to get back into workout classes which I love, I’ve done 2 this month and it’s been good for my physical and mental health, I’d love to go weekly. But I feel terrible that it’s been almost a month and I haven’t celebrated my baby’s birthday. I could do both tomorrow but then I’d feel bad since she d...
Random Q - do you clean whilst your toddler is in the room. I really want to try keep on top of cleaning now I’m back to work 4 days a week. I wouldn’t be spraying lots of harsh chemicals but I want to hoover and duster. Wipe sides down whilst she is playing. I would use the Milton anti bac spray Would the dus...
I’m curious as a first time mum, how much I should expect my partner to be there for me when the baby is here. We currently don’t live together, I’m in my 2nd trimester, but plan to at some point closer to baby’s arrival… He tells me he will be here for me etc. he doesn’t express how or take initiative to learn how....
I am 12 weeks PP and to be honest I am only just starting to feel a bit more myself again. I’m still very achy and struggling to do a lot after my c section. But me and my partner are still very much in the roommate phase and it’s getting me down a bit. He leaves at 7am for work and comes home between 5–6pm and w...
So my little one goes to nursery a few mornings a week and enjoys his time there. However he’s just turned 2 and they always do different activities eg painting, playing with shaving foam and play dough. They put photos up nearly everyday, when they have put photos up of his room, he doesn’t seem to be doing an ac...
My partner has 2 kids from a previous relationship (8 & 10) who my MIL and FIL absolutely adore and are clearly the favourite grandkids. We had our first daughter 2 years ago and while MIL & FIL do come around to see her, it's always when the other 2 SK's are here and they interact more with the other 2. I mostly ju...
Help I just had my daughters nursery teacher tell me she’s the mean girl of nursery and I really don’t know how to approach this she has attitude at home but I thought that it was normal stuff but I’ve never heard of a kid in nursery being called a mean girl
I'm so jealous of my husband. I'm with our 4 month old daughter 24/7 and will play with her all the time, but the rare times my husband has her he makes her belly laugh all the time. Even if I do the same things she still will only belly laugh with him. I got her laughing for a couple minutes but that's it. She's al...
I do all the weekly shopping which includes sorting dinner for the week and lunch for everyone (myself, husband and toddler). Ive been doing all the lunch and dinner planning, I also prepare dinner and lunch for everyone. I usually prepare lunch Sunday evening ready for the week for everyone. My husband normally pac...
Really playing on my mind. My Lil girl is 3 next week and she still doesn't have a interest in playing with other children. She goes to nursery 2 days a week. Nursery have also told me that she plays along side other children but doesn't play with them or interact with them.. She is slightly behind in speech which m...
Feel like I just need a bit of a vent! I always wanted to be a mum and feel so grateful to have a beautiful five month old daughter I knew before having a child that it would be a challenge but I literally had no idea it would be this hard. I don’t understand how people have multiple children and keep their house ni...
I had my second baby a while ago. My 3 year old is a champ, he absolutely adores her and loves to help out with her . My struggle is he still has meltdowns (obviously; he’s three.) But it happens over things like he’s refusing to get out of the bathtub when I say we’re all done, so he starts wailing, and of course t...
Recently just split up with my husband and every time my son gets picked up to go to his dad's he screams its breaking my heart, he's only 2. Anyone got any advise
I’m really struggling to feel like my baby loves me as his mum. He is now 9 months and he doesn’t ever like to be cuddled. At night if he wakes crying he doesn’t seem to be comforted by me when I get him out of his cot - he just hits and thrashes around in my arms. I love him so much but feel sad that I see other ba...
I have a 7 year old SD who I’m trying to teach to be a bit more independent as she is treated like a baby at home. Am I being unreasonable in the fact that I think she should be able to shower and dress herself by now? Don’t get me wrong I don’t expect her to turn the shower on and off as we have mixer taps and don’...
I’ve organised to meet up with a family member who’s extremely narcissistic I want to face them and tell them how much they’ve put me trough along with discussing very important information that ties us both together. Does anyone have any advice or tips for how I deal with the situation? I plan to be straight to the...
I send my son(2.5yrs) to a nursery (3 hours a day) and I noticed 2 new 19-20 year old boys helping in the nursery. I dont know why but i got this weird feeling around them, especially one of them. I observed him playing with another child and twirling her hair in his fingers while the other one had a boy in his lap....
My kids dad and I separated almost 2 years ago, I was tired of doing everything in the house / with the kids and working while he just played on the console when he wasn’t at work. We never went on dates or even outside really, not much of a sex life and he wasn’t a present father for the children. Fast forward to n...
Little one’s grandad (father-in-law) is taking them for first solo “day out” together in the car - they have zero plan, just going to see where the day takes them... Husband is very against me “micromanaging” but I think it’s important that we give some info (e.g. by suggesting times for naps and food, how to put on...
I’m going back to work next week, I’ve been so lucky to have this whole first year of my little girls life with her but I’m so sad that I might miss her first steps 😭😭 she will be with my husband while im at work and he’s missed a lot of her firsts from working so trying to just think it would be nice for him but I…