Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Care.
Hey mamas My LG has her immunisations booked, how did your LO react to theirs ie any side effects?
Does anyone on here NOT vaccinate their children? I would like to make an Informed decision and all I hear is people making people who don't vaccinate feel about about their decision. And I think everyone should be able to do what they feel is right. This post isn't for people to scaremonger me into vaccinating or n...
My 3,5 month old seems to be straining to poop for the 3rd day already and is unusually cranky although she is a very chill baby and not demanding at all. She squirms and grunts, presses but nothing comes out so I thought she was constipated but she poos twice a day which is normal for her and the poop is liquid but...
What play pens has everyone got? LO isn't crawling yet but she manages to get about the place so quickly I don't feel I can leave her on her mat anymore while I go in the kitchen etc, she bashed her head the other day on the edge of our sofa. I don't know which is the best to get, I'm looking at the plastic ones tha...
Had a phone call from my local council a couple of days ago asking me to confirm my address and details for a health visitor. Does anyone know when the health visitors tend to come? As I’ve not heard anything else since the phone call and I want to be prepared for the visit as it makes me really anxious that they c...
My 2 months old boy have this belly button . Is that normal ?
Are the health visitors usually late? and what can you expect at the first appointment? I’m pregnant with my first so unsure what to actually expect but she was due to be here at 11:30 and hasn’t arrived yet?
Hi all! My baby boy has always been on Aptamil 1, and we've always had excessive wind (series of colic), infrequent dirty nappies (1 a week and been in discomfort when it comes to it) I've raised some concerns along the way, and my HV always said "That's normal for formula fed babies" ... It has gotten worse over th...
Just to ask what symptoms did they show? So I changed his formula over the weekend to Mamia from Hipp, mostly as he always seemed unsettled on it, not 100%. However I stopped after the 4th bottle, as he was having a continuous cough and eyes red and patches over his forehead. I have gone back to Hipp. It's also har...
We started first foods last week and for the past 5 days my 6 month old has not pooed. Online it says this can happen but has anyone else had this. She is normally super regular.
Any recommendations in the area, please? I found a good one in London but can't imagine having to visit during the last stages of pregnancy. Thank you!
Any other 8 month old girl “on one” constantly? She had colic when younger so was never a settled baby but its never stopped even now shes just constantly aggy hyper and shouty shes never just calm and chilled and when i see others her age theyre just so content and happy.
My one year old just had this poo, he’s not pooed for 3 days so was expecting a constipated poo but now I’m kinda worried it’s a tummy bug now? He is teething VERY badly and has a molar coming through:( does this look like a poorly poo? It was quite runny:( I have emetephobia so a bit of a worrier when it comes to i...
Never been great with water but was doing okay, and now back to refusing 😭 I have every type of cup under the sun- she chews straws, spits out water from open cup and screams when I offer sippy cup. Tried the yoghurt straw trick, tried putting fruit in the water etc but it doesnt matter as she wont try it. Have…
My NB is one month, and fomula fed. And every time I go to feed him after his feed nothing comes up and it’s worrying me. I don’t know if it’s my technique but I use different methods and still nothing? He doesn’t seem distressed afterwards though?
Can you recommend any hair ties or scrunchies which are anti choking? I’m worried if I use the small hair ties my baby will choke on it! She puts everything in her mouth! But I need a solution fast as her hair is getting longer. Thank you ☺️
Hi mums, should I be worried? My baby is 4 weeks and has muscle tension and she is very very stiff. Not all the time, but most the time yes when she is awake. She has tongue tie and we will get this realesed. Did anyone else experiance this and how did you deal with the same?
Not sure if my LO has diarrhea, my 8 week old was having dirty nappies every other day, now it seems to be like every couple of hours maybe having 4-5 dirty nappies a day, it’s like a mustard colour and is alittle bit smelly and alittle bit watery, is this normal as his body is probably starting to mature or is it d...
My hubby has had a lifelong issue with the smell of faecal matter. Over the past year it's gotten really bad, like a sewer smell. He's deeply embarrassed and doctors haven't helped. Anyone have any ideas?
Hi moms! FTM here of a one month old. I’ve been really going through it and emotional bc my baby has only been pooping once every 3-4 days. The docs have told me this is normal for breastfed babies. What do you think? Any suggestions or remedies to help comfort my baby. Lastly, any reviews about using tubby Todd’...