Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.
We are going to the dominican on Thursday, and it's occurred to me that I don't have a plan for my sons milk during his 1 or 2 nightly wake ups! I don't think my room has a microwave or fridge for semi skimmed milk.. do i go back to formula?
Help please! My 5 week old is so uncomfortable during the night she’s screaming after a bottle won’t settle, bringing her knees up and arching her back. She constantly wants to feed more she seems hungry 1-2 hours after a bottle. She’s also come out in a rash the past few weeks and she only poo’s around every 3 days...
Hi, when are you going to stop sterilising bottles?
Anyone else’s LO going through a stage where they’re not drinking their bottles, turning away from them, being frustrated when trying to feed them? And only having like 3/4 bottles a day but not the full amount they were once taking? :/
Just giving our new steriliser a trial run with some bits we will need. For sterilise and dry there are two time options (35mins and 60mins) Everyone seems to use the Auto 60minute option - im just wondering why not the 35minute option? If anyone can share….
Hi, My son is 19 weeks old and over the past few days he has suddenly started being fussy with bottle feeding. He has always been a great feeder but it’s becoming more of a struggle. For a few weeks he has been having 8oz feeds and finishing the bottle however he is now leaving 3-4oz in the bottle, taking ages to ...
Looking for some pros and cons here. This is not a debate and not a place to make people feel uncomfortable. I don't want to put anyone down for their choice, I'm just asking for assistance in my knowledge from people's real life experiences! ❤️
Has anyone else weaned their little one of a bottle to a cup? My little one will drink out of a sippy cup / bottle fine the day! He’s also got a tum tum cup at the moment. He has a bottle at night time of milk and want to wean him off the bottle as he’s been ebf for a year. Hes just refusing with cups as he’s used t...
Guys I need advice on changing formula, currently on kendamil and baby is thriving on it but obviously they are having a country wide shortage, I've got one full tub here and I can't get it anywhere atm so worried I'll run out... My mum bought a tub of aptamil by mistake so just wondering if it's worth changing his ...
I was just wondering when everyone changed the teat size? My daughter is 7 weeks old and currently still on teat 1 but I’m not quite sure when/if we’re meant to change that!
Hi everyone! I've been using anti-reflux aptamil for a few days now and it is working but making the bottles is SUCH a faff. If I was to switch back to normal formula made in a prep machine and add carobel, is it basically exactly the same as the anti-reflux formula, just without the same headache preparing it? ...
Planning on taking a ready made milk incase my milk doesn’t come in immediately.. but do I sterilise the bottle it’s going to be in like just before I leave for hospital or will they do it for me? What if I don’t have him for over 24 hours?
My NB is almost 3 weeks old. Since he’s been born he was put on formula as he has a big appetite, then I decided once my milk came in to combi feed. I had no way of doing it just chop and changed the milks, I’ve been staying at my partners for a few days and since being away from home I’ve really fallen out of the r...
How much are your 5 week olds drinking? Mine is on 4oz every 3 hours but he’s starting to show signs of hungover at 2.5 hours so wondering whether to increase the amount to 5oz or if this is too much for him? He was 8lb 11 at birth but now weighing 11lb so he’s already a chunk!
I have always made my bottles when my girl is due her feed, never prepared in advance but now when I’m out and about alone it’s getting difficult to make bottles and keep her settled alone especially when she decides she’s hungry a lil time before her time and I’m in a shop ect. Today im going out for around a hour/...
Baby is 2.5 weeks old. He is exclusively breast fed. When I pump, measuring about 3.5 to 5 Oz in the bottle. Some times he drink all and sometimes he leaves a little. The real challenge is at night. He want to be breast fed for hours upon hours. I don't want to over feed him. After 2 hours I'll remove the breast and...
Can you buy ready made formula for cmpa ? Before having to go dairy free if we was going out for the day and I knew it would be hard to make bottles I would just buy the ready made bottles to take out or make up the bottles and put them in a cool bag wirh loads of ice blocks but after looking it doesn't seem you can...
Hi all, has anyone recently applied for a child’s passport and can tell me how long it took? Thank you x
Hi! So my LB has been EBF with the occasional bottle from birth. Bottles have always been expressed milk At about 3/4 months he refused to ever have a bottle again He is 5 months and try daily to give him bottle. He is drinking about an ounce before starting to pull faces and refuse again. I’ve tried different ev...
Hello! Just wondering how many of you top up with formula My little girl is 7 weeks old and is a greedy guts, it’s got to the point she feeds off me sometimes 3 times every hour, I don’t really get a break. When I told my health visitor she realised my little one has a tongue tie and that could be why, she’s not...