Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.
Hello! Does anyone have any recommendations for bottle sterilisers? I keep seeing Tomme Tippe ones for sale on FB Marketplace, but have heard quite a few bad reviews on it 🤔
Hello! I’ve been using the anti colic bottles from MAM and recently bought the next one up, the easy active baby bottle. With the anti colic ones I sterilise by taking them apart and using microwave sterilisation but how would I sterilise this bottle? Thank you?m!
Any tips for getting my little girl to take bottles? We used tommee tippee a few times and our LG was ok with them but she is now refusing to take them and cries when I try to give it to her. The same goes for MAM bottles. Our health visitor said to keep trying with the tommee tippee ones as she was ok with them in ...
I’ve made baby a 5 ounce bottle of formula, he fell asleep before I could give it, I don’t want to waste the formula can I reheat in the microwave ?
Sorry this might be a long one! My 7 week old is EBF but I am finding the cluster feeding in the evenings and feeding on demand during the day really hard. I formula fed my first and I loved the routine knowing she would need a bottle every x amount of hours. I know every baby is different but is there a rough age w...
We have the nanobebe bottles and we need to swap the teats but we can’t find the medium flow teats anywhere! Does anyone know if any other teats fit?!
My boy has recently had his tongue tie cut. I was told at the time he also has a high palette which is why his latch on a bottle is terrible. He chokes and takes in so much air. I have seen nuk bottles being suggested but which ones?
Struggling to find Kendamil first milk as I’m sure most people on here are. I know it’s supposed to be coming back to stores over the next few weeks. We’ve been switching between organic and original and everything has been fine, but I’m seeing a new recipe “kendamill comfort” Thai so the only one I can find at the ...
Hi! I’m choosing to formula feed from birth. I’m wondering if anyone knows if I have to bring formula to the hospital? I’m going to do the Enfamil Neuro Pro. I have a few cans already but I saw these little newborn bottles. Should I bring a pack of these to the hospital? And how many cases of these should I get for ...
Anyone else’s baby just falls asleep while feeding and never finishes a bottle like they used to? My baby(almost 4 months) is used to drinking 4-5oz of either breastmilk(pumped) or formula. Lately he has been falling asleep and is not finishing the bottle. Just wan to k ow if its normal he doesn’t seem too intereste...
Just out of interest how often are we sterilising dummies? I try and change my 4 month olds dummy every day but sometimes forget so can be up to 2 days 🫣
Hey! Our 5 week old is on a combination of breast and kendamil(mainly kendamil) however he is constantly grunting and squirming trying to pass wind. When we burp him he also screams now and again like he’s uncomfortable. Is it worth me trying another formula? We’ve tried infacol but made things worse for him.
Babies sleeping through the night that are formula fed, how are your feeding schedules? Thanks xx Edit: baby is 5 months old
My little girl is on the organic kendamil but iv have been put looking for days and cant seem to find it. Thinking of changing her to the original kendamil. Just wanting people opinions on the pink tub kendamil. Thank you x
We are moving on from breastfeeding to formula. I wanted to know how much formula is being given at 7 months old and how often? We have started weaning, breakfast only so far but will soon introduce dinner too..
My little boy (4 months) has bottle aversion and has been taking an average of 600mls of formula per day. I’m worried sick as this is quite a bit below the daily recommended for his age and weight, but he’s been seen by the Health Visitor and Drs and they have no worries (he’s peeing, pooping, is gaining weight, is ...
This may be a really stupid question! But I know when you sterilise a bottle/dummy it is only sterilised for so long! So for my hospital bag I am packing some of the aptamil pre made bottles with sterilised teets… but what do you do with the dummies? Obvs I don’t know what day she will come so how do I keep them ste...
We’re using SMA comfort milk with the Mam bottles and currently on a size 2 teat but I don’t think it’s coming out fast enough for my little boy. We’ve tried the size 3 but it comes out way too fast for him. Would anyone recommend the X teat for it? Or will that come out even faster?
Anyone else’s 3 month old not eat a lot? Mine does anywhere from 40ml-120ml depending on whether he’s also breastfed. But even if it’s been a while since a feed he probably averages like 80-90ml.
My LO is 9 months and is now formula fed. She has been eating on average 20oz of formula (plus 3 solid meals). I feel like 20oz is not a lot. And that's 20oz including what we give her in the middle of the night. Her mouth was bothering her, but now seems to be fine. Do you think 20oz is fine? Should be eating more?...