Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.
How do I stop my baby screaming when I change their nappy and get them dressed? It’s every single time and it’s beginning to drain me😭😭 I’ve tried laying something warm on the changing mat, singing to him, going slow and talking to him and nothing seems to work
My son has a rabbit he sleeps with but takes it to nursery, he only goes once a week soon going twice a week do you think I should get him to stop taking it now? Or wait for school? Also please comment if you have any advise/ been through it
My 7 month old is starting to roll his eyes back, is this something I should be worried about, does your 7 month old roll their eyes back?
My 3yo just threw a tantrum cause I wouldn’t stop singing the Spider-Man theme song 😂 But he’s allowed to 🙄
We're approaching 11 months now, and he's just chilling 😅 Anyone else? Also, I received the paperwork 2 weeks ago for his 10-month review and got a message to book in his developmental review meeting, but the earliest slot they have is June! He will be 15 months by that point. Is anyone else having to wait 3…
My baby is 13 months old and she only says a couple words randomly every once in a while. When do babies start learning how to talk better?
I am considering adding a line to the email signature. Something like "Apologies for any background noise from my baby—thank you for understanding."
My son has been walking since 12 months but he refuses to walk in shoes he will literally stand there or sit down as if the shoes are to heavy, but he does the same thing in walking shoes … anyone else going through this ? Any tips ?
Can someone please tell me this gets easier? My oldest is almost 18 months and the baby is now a week old and I’m struggling, my oldest is screaming, hitting, and biting and we really don’t know what to do. I can’t just stop feeding the baby or changing her diaper to attend to the 18 month old and the behavior is ma...
My son will literally repeat and say the most random words but won’t even attempt to say mom/mommy/mama. It’s starting to drive me nuts 😂😂 of course cause D is easier for them he doesn’t stop saying dad/daddy!! 🤦🏻♀️
I cant get my baby to latch. We play around for ages and he's screaming his head off and I'm crying with frustration. Anyone elseM
So my boy is still not crawling, should I be getting concerned? He so clearly wants to move, but doesn't know how to and does try and get on to his knees from his tummy but hasn't come close to being successful yet. He's been sitting up since about 5 months, has been rolling since 6 months. I will say when I put h...
Hello! I am a mummy of an 2.5 year old toddler and walking on eggshells not to cause a meltdown 😩. Apart from the meltdowns ( to be fair any toddler could have those), he stimms quite a lot (either flapping his hands or running up and down and do sideglancing), he has high tolerance into pain, he tends to run away…
Are your little ones crawling? Mine is 10m next week and genuinely has no interest in crawling? Hates tummy time. I’m worried.
How would everyone describe their baby's temperament in general (excluding odd blips and anomalies) and the way they were delivered? Have your babies been overall happy/calm or have they been irritable/cranky from the beginning? Are there any who have gone from one to another or is a baby's temperament set in stone ...
Can your child walk and talk? My daughter can stand up and hold on to things and walk whilst holding on but can't walk on her own, she also hasn't said any words yet. It just makes me feel like a bad parent that she's not hitting the milestones
My baby out of the blue yesterday started hiding his face behind his top, then popping back up looking excited! Now he won’t stop playing peekaboo with us and loves covering his face and reappearing ☺️
My little boy hits when he gets frustrated and that’s occasionally at me and his daddy or his friends 🥺 It’s making me so anxious and not wanting to take him out as I’m so worried that he will hurt someone. Does anybody else have the same issue?
Have a baby girl who is desperate to crawl, but she gets in position then her legs get stuck! I uncross them but then she just falls on floor! Any tips to encourage? She’s getting sooo frustrated!
I just found out and thought it was so interesting so I wanted to share. Pathways in babies brains are still developing after birth and everytime you do affects them. When you comfort a baby it strengthens the pathway of soothing and helps it become permanent. There's no set time for how long this could take as all ...