Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
Can I give him 1year old a quilt? What do people think of this? I don’t really like this idea but he will NOT sleep in this bed in his sleeping bag or a baby grow as he wants to have his feet out.. hates baby grows since he was poorly only wants to sleep in a vest under our quilt with his feet out
She pace drinks 4 oz within an hour and goes back to sleep for 2-4 hours im scared shes going to lose weight. Anyone dealt with this with their newborns?
What breast pumps do people recommend? I’ve currently got an Ardo Carum on hire but it’s getting really expensive and I’ve got a mom cozy portable one but I don’t get anywhere near as much milk out when wearing that one!
We seem to have an ok night time where he will sleep in 2-4 hour stints usually, but he is refusing to sleep in the morning any more after his first feed of the day. He may sleep for 30-1hr if we’re lucky but generally he is just fussy and unsettled and wide awake in his cot. It’s a constant cycle of shhing, dummy, ...
Me and my boyfriend have broken up today we’ve been together 2.5 years and our baby girl is 10 months old. I feel like I’ve lost my best friend and boyfriend at once. I’m honestly heartbroken and don’t know what to do without him. We broke up due to us arguing a lot and admittedly most of it being my fault. Our expe...
Hi guys, I am looking for a small compact foldable pram that will fit above the cabin in the airplane, I am flying with Tui and their rules are that it must be no bigger than 55cmX40cmX20cm and no heavier than 10kg. Has anyone flown with Tui and what pram did you use that fits? Also, if anyone can give me tips and i...
For anyone who's made it through the other side of the 4 month sleep regression, do you need to sleep train/ baby learn to self settle in order for ot to end? I'm dealing with hourly wake ups but not sure this is the right time to sleep train.
He was discharged from Speech and language therapy as they said his language development is fine for his age.
Looking for recommendations on baby carriers. Also just curious of peoples opinions on them. Was it something you got use out of? Did it allow you to get more done round the house?
Do you sleep with your underwear on or off ? Today I got judge on about it that I sleep with it off I know it’s a odd or weird topic, but how do you ladies sleep in
Very random question but i feel like I’m wasting the 5litres of Miltons I use daily for sterilising. And as my water bill has gone up £20 a month, I feel i need to try save as much as possible. Has anyone watered their plants or garden with it?
Are other parents buying different diapers for nighttime that are specifically marketed as “overnight”? To be honest I didn’t even know these existed until a friend mentioned them yesterday. We’ve just been using the same normal diapers. If baby wakes up I usually do a change midway through the night. If you use ove...
Anyone live in a 1 bedroom flat - I’m trying to figure out how to go about putting anything anywhere when baby is here xxx (fyi: im not asking for advice on what u need or how to fit ‘so much’ i work in childcare i know i don’t need much for a newborn… I’m trying to ask for advice on how to reorganise things ie my ...
Has anyone done this? I've just heard about it today with baby food pouches.
Our nighttime routine: -Feed, burp, walk, lay down: 1.5-2 hours -Mom bathroom water snack settle: 30-60 mins -Sleep 1-2hours Repeat** So even though she’s been sleeping 9 hours I haven’t even slept half of that. 😭😭 Then I get to hear my partner complain how tired he is when he averages 6+ hours of uninterrupted…
My newborn was born premature and jaundice levels keep going up and down. I’m currently in hospital with baby but im really panicky! Baby is so sleepy. Is this normal? I’ve got the blinds open to allow sunlight in but is there anything else that would help?
Hey! I’m looking at getting the Silver cross Clic travel pram and wanted to hear people’s reviews? The one bad thing I’ve heard so far is it doesn’t open with one hand but interested to hear more. Thanks x
Why do babies wake up 30 min mark every tune during naps? Baby is 4 months; will it get better with age?
my baby is taller than the cot bars, he’s eating all the paint of his cot so i’m thinking about putting him in a toddler bed in a sleep sack, with sides on the bed, is it too soon? do you think it would be okay?
I gave birth a week ago and plan on breastfeeding. I spent a few days in hospital where they encouraged me to breastfeed and then pump to top up as he's a small baby and it will help monitor his intake. Since I've been home, I've not had a chance to pump and top up My breasts for the first few days felt quite har...