Overnight diapers?

Are other parents buying different diapers for nighttime that are specifically marketed as “overnight”? To be honest I didn’t even know these existed until a friend mentioned them yesterday. We’ve just been using the same normal diapers. If baby wakes up I usually do a change midway through the night. If you use overnight diapers do you feel like it makes a difference and is worth it?
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We are doing the same as you. Baby wakes up once a night and I do change him. Until he starts sleeping throughout the whole night I like to think he’s more comfortable being clean you know?

I never knew these existed either, never used them with my first. I started using them with my second bc she kept waking up pretty early in the night with her clothes wet from pee. Since switching that hasn't happened! She wakes up once to feed and I don't change her. If she wakes up more than that I will change her.

Just started using them about a month or so ago. I definitely think they work! They are more absorbent and leave a dry feeling. We just get a small pack and since you're only using them once a day, they last a while. Definitely worth it!

I knew of them just never used them. You'd think after 3 babies I'd give them a try lol. I never have because I change baby when they wake and I've never had a leak when they do sleep through.

Yes we use honest overnight makes a huge difference if your baby is sleeping thru

I've never had my son leak in normal pull ups at night so I'd say they are not worth

With my first we didn’t do that til about a year old mainly because he didn’t pee often at night and my second one can go through the night and not pee and then wake up pee and poop.

Honestly I haven’t tried it yet. We use Huggies skin essentials and she sleeps through the night with those with no change. But I guess it’s worth trying it!

I absolutely have to use overnight diapers as regular day diapers just don’t hold enough because my girl is a heavy wetter. She sleeps for 12 hours without waking up and I have accidentally let her go to sleep in her day time diapers and she’s absolutely soaked when she wakes up.

We started using pampers over nights when she started sleeping longer stretches and they definitely make a difference. We ran out last week and my 18 month old started waking up an hour and a half earlier I’m assuming bc she felt the wetness. Then we got more last night and she slept in again

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