Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Sleep.
Hi ladies, Out of curiosity has anybody moved their baby to their own room before 6 months & how did it go?
I’m struggling a bit with social media getting the better of me. I quite like not sticking to a strict one with set times etc. We are getting up when we like which is normally between 8-10 and then starting the day and then just napping at the recommended times from huckleberry’s sweet spots and she goes to bed abou...
Those who didn’t “sleep train” their kids and/or also co-slept, please give me some reassurance. I am struggling with my youngest’s sleep and at my wits end. I don’t want to hear her cry when I know she just wants to be in my arms and she will drop off with ease. I don’t want to deal with sleepless nights trying to ...
When are you feeding baby through the night? My LO feeds every 3 hours through the day, so through the night I’ve been setting my alarm to get up and make her bottle, so she’s ready for a feed every 3 hours. But should I just be waiting for her to wake me up? I’m so worried I won’t wake up if she’s crying, or I wo...
Baby seems to be in pain and discomfort before bed. Suspected teething and congestion symptoms.. have tried Anbesol gel and vapour oils. But baby will only sleep after Calpol. This is almost every night for the past 2 weeks. Doesn't seem to need any in the day only at night before bed so only 1 dose a day. But worri...
For those who co-sleep with their babies from the start, when did you move them to their own room without much of a problem? My girl will be 2 years old in June this year and I am planning to put her in own room on bed. She sleeps okay till 12-1 in the night but I need to sleep with her later as she keeps waking u...
Hello, my LO is just over 6 months. I'm an incredibly light sleeper and wake up almost hourly throughout the night with any small noise, even when LO doesn't need anything. When she's left alone with heavier sleepers like my husband or parents, they seem to have a great night and say LO slept straight through. I'm ...
Anyone got any advice for changing nappies? My little boy scream bloody murder every time and get himself in such a state. So I normally try and time it in line with a feed so I can feed him afterwards which calms him down. Should I be doing it after a feed instead? Or when he’s in deep sleep in between feeds? Or is...
Anyone else's baby have a false start every single night? My little boy has at least one and sometimes 3 false starts over 2 hours before he finally goes down for the night. We've tried changing bedtime and wake windows both ways and it hasn't helped
My baby is 10 weeks old and I’m having a hard time with naps during the day. Up until this point I’ve been following his lead on when he wants to sleep etc. but he’s been refusing sleep during the day which leads to horrible nights. I try to my best to put him to nap but he’s just stares at me eyes wide open for hou...
Does anyone else have a baby that will only contact nap during the day? My 11 week old will only sleep on someone if we’re at home - luckily she’s happy to sleep in the pushchair or car seat if we’re out but at home wakes the second you put her down 🫠 even if she’s in a deep, deep sleep! I see all these posts on…
I see loads of people saying their babies sleep through the night! Like how… mine LG has never done that I’m EFB, she was going feeding twice in the night and could sleep for 5/6hrs at a time Now I’m not sure if she’s going through sleep regression because she’s up every 2 hrs for the last 3 weeks now. (5 wakes ...
My EBF baby wakes every hour from bedtime onwards. But last night he decided to wake at 4am, blowing raspberries while nursing. This continued for 45 minutes! I was torn between being frustrated cos I was tired and laughing out loud. Anyone else’s baby doing this?
Has anyone experienced their baby suddenly waking earlier than usual? My little girl (6 months on Monday) has woken between 7-8am (7-7.30pm bedtime consistently) for a good couple of months now. The last week she’s started waking at 6am. Nothing else has changed with her routine. I know 6am is considered a ‘normal’ ...
Okay girls, help a mama out. How are we sleep teasing our little ones. My son LOATHES his crib he will cry if I even walk towards it to put him in there while I make a bottle.
I’m so tired, I’m crying typing this. I just miss the days where I could get some sleep in. My baby still wants to eat every two hours and I’m fucking exhausted. Even with formula he just doesn’t wanna sleep long. Please give me tips. I literally just want some sleep. 🙁
My baby is finding it harder and harder to stay asleep in his next to me once transferred. I’m ending up having to sleep with him on my chest which is quite anxiety inducing so not getting a great sleep myself. How do I fix this so he sleeps in next to me? He’ll be 2 months on Wednesday. He’s 8.5 weeks currently
EBF: Anyone else feel they don't feed as much during the day? Baby is hungry but I feel I don't have much milk. Also, if we are out he will mainly sleep.. if you are out more than 3/4 hours do you tend to wake baby for feed?
Hey guys So I'm about to be having 2 under 2 soon my eldest is 17 months soon to be next month 18 months old in the time my second is due next month shortly afterwards and tge living arrangements are a bit tricky and I'm just worried about it. This is due to the fact I live in a two bedroom close built flat wher...
I just need some reassurance before I have a little cry! Is anyone else experiencing awful bedtimes and nap times? I don’t know if it’s separation anxiety but my LG cries the second you leave her and going back up to her doesn’t help as she just wants to get out of the cot 😩 We’ve ended up on the sofa a few…