Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Sleep

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Sleep.

Night sleep

My 3 month old has gone to bed by 7.30 for the last month and would wake about 1am and 4am for a feed and then wake for the day around 6/7 am. All of a sudden he’s been waking around 10/11 (not for a feed) then waking earlier for his feeds around 12 and 3 and then waking for the day at 5am. He won’t have any more bo...


Confused about everyone saying what time bed time is when baby is put down to sleep every 2-3 hours…

Just a question, when everyone talks about what time bed time is for your newborn, i’m just getting confused as to which sleep you class as the “put to bed” one, when over the course of the evening a newborn is put down to sleep atleast 2-3 times due to how often they need feeding. E.g, my LO is out down at 6pm aft...


Sleep regression - what do you do a night?

When LO wakes frequently at night what do you do with them? Feed? Try to resettle? Let them self settle? I feel like I am going backwards (up 3/4 times a night this last week and I am just automatically feeding baby) - she will take a full bottle near enough each time (or a good amount). But I don’t know if she is ...


6 month sleep regression

My little boy turned 6 months on Friday and literally from then onwards he has been sleeping so poorly. I had a week, maybe two, of really good sleep out of him between the end of the 4 month regression and the start of this one. But now feels so much worse than the first one 🙈🙈🙈


6 weeks

My baby has hit 6 weeks and she’s not wanting to nap at all during the day , wants to feed but is screaming on my boob , doesn’t want to go in the pram or baby carrier. I’m feeling pretty stuck as my partner has gone back to work and I’m struggling to feed myself or be able to get outside for some fresh air. Anyone ...


9 and a half months

And still waking multiple times in the night😂 the shock on people’s faces when I say this and when I say I won’t do sleep training.. just hope I’m not the only one here 😅


Co sleeping 7 month old

Do I have to do the cuddle curl? I’ve just started co sleeping as baby won’t sleep unless with me however sleeping in the cuddle curl has absolutely killed my back


Anyone else's baby still not handle longer wake windows?

I know every baby is different blah blah But just wondering! My LB is almost 5 months old now, and still get SUPER moody and grumpy of he's awake longer than 1.5-2hrs. He will moan and cry for everything, and as soon as he is put down for a nap, you can see how sleepy he is. If I push it, he'll get so overtired t...


What do you do when baby is fighting naps?

Hi all! Just curious what people do. Do you leave them in there crib so they associate the time still as quiet time? Does it come a point where you’ll take them out if they’re fighting it?


Has anyone else’s baby decided they want to sleep on their belly now?

I woke up last night and my little boy was on his belly, I had a heartattack and ran to turn him over which woke him up, and then he proceeded to turn back onto this belly Does anyone else’s baby do this? And if so, how did you get over the anxiety of it?


Sleeping through the night?

Is it okay if a breastfed baby sleeps through the night at 5/6 weeks? Last night my baby went 5 hours without waking for a feed and they usually do after 2/3hrs. At 5hrs I woke up and fed her but is it normal for them to sleep through the night this early? Thanks xxx


When to bring bedtime forward?

My LO is now 12 weeks old and currently goes down to bed around 10pm. He has a bath around 21:30pm followed by a bottle and bed and sleeps till around 6:30am with no wake ups. He has done this for around 4 weeks now. The odd time he may wake around 3/4am very rarely and just wants his dummy and resettling and will h...


Sleep regression

How do we get out of the sleep regression? Is this when they should be learning to self soothe or does it just gradually finish? FTM and in the trenches at the moment. Naps are 30 mins and numerous wake ups in the night and LB just seems uncomfortable at night. Any advice would be amazing!


Teething/sleep regression?!

So my little one is breastfed but used to do like a 5 hour stretch of sleep at night and then feed and then down for another 2/3hour....but the past 3 nights he's been up every hour or 2 😭 and just being super fussy to put down. Having to rock him to sleep and hover over him when I'm laying hik in the cot! Which…


Sleeping w/ mouth open

My baby is 6 weeks old and occasionally sleeps with his mouth open like this. I’ve read this isn’t normal and could be due to airway obstruction. His breathing does sound a bit congested, but nothing comes out with the snot sucker. Just curious if anyone else has encountered this. It doesn’t seem like he’s having an...


Help - bedtime

My little one is 5 months and has slept incredibly well up until this last month. We follow all of his sleep cues and he is having a good amount of sleep throughout the day and even at bed time. However he has started waking at 4/5 am every morning without fail. We want to try and push his bed time back to see if ...


5am starts

For those who have posted before to say your baby has started waking at 5am, what did you do? Did it stop? 😩 I used to be able to put her in bed with us and she'd go back to sleep, but she's refusing that now.


Baby won't sleep at night

My baby is nearly 2 weeks old. She sleeps amazingly during the day - not a care in the world. Isn't woken by noise, doesn't mind the moses basket, is an absolute angel. At night time she will not sleep and I am at the end of my tether! She will fuss and cry for hours and hours. It feels like a constant cycle of nap...



Help!!!! My baby is napping by 10am most days, for a maximum 2 hours if lucky. She is an early riser. Ready for bed/asleep at 630-7pm. She is only having 1 nap, as she refuses the second no matter what. So come bedtime she has been awake 6-7hours. I know this is too long. I can’t seem to stretch the morning wake...



My baby girl slept over 10 hours last night and is still very sleepy this morning. Also not interested in being fed. We had a family bbq yesterday so she was passed around a lot and generally quite awake for a lot of the day. That combined with the heat yesterday, do you think explains the sleepiness and not feeding...


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