Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Sleep

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Sleep.


My baby has been waking up at night trying to break out of the swaddle. I was thinking maybe she wants to suck on her hands so a few nights ago I let her arms out of the sleep sack and the rest of the night there were still a bunch of wake ups. I have been swaddling since then and she still wakes up a couple times a...


Pillows for toddlers

At what age can you give your toddler a pillow to sleep on? Or what age did you introduce this to your little ones?


Nap and Bedtime -will be 1 in a week

Anyone else struggling with naps and bedtime? Screams the place down and taking forever to fall asleep😩


Putting baby to bed

Is anyone else still putting their baby to bed and naps when they're already asleep? I have tried drowsy and awake and it has really just extended the time it takes to get baby down. I'm worried I'm building bad habits, but I also don't know what else to do.


Baby sleeping help

My son has started rolling so he’s suppose to be out of the swaddle, least his arms. But he keeps grabbing his pacifier and throwing it, then crying cause he wants it in his mouth. What can I do for him keep his hands busy so he stops grabbing it? I’ve swaddled his arms at bedtime and that’s when he sleeps the best....


Cough at night only

Lb has recovered from a bad cold and cough but is still coughing slightly at night only. No symptoms at all during the day, does not cough during his 2 hour day nap and is totally well but having bouts of coughing at night. Is this normal? When do I seek help? It doesn’t wake him up and he’s eating /drinking fine. M...


Co-Sleep to Independent Sleep

Hi guys! I have a 2 month old that is currently co-sleeping with me, but I know long term this will not work for my family. Do you guys have tips on transitioning to independent sleep? Currently the only way I can really get him down for a good sleep stretch (about 2-3 hours) is to side line feed to sleep.


Sleep training

Help 😭😭😭 my baby is almost 8 months and still waking up 7-8 times at night. Often every 30-45 min (sleep cycle I assume) Crying. And I have to give boob to calm him down. Pacifiers don’t work… he just wouldn’t take it at night. I want to start sleep training but it seems like all involved crying out… I don’t wanna…


Toddler awake 1-2 hours at night

Hey all— looking for advice on the ever-changing sleeps needs. My 26 month old recently stopped napping so we do 1.5 hours of quiet time in her crib and moved bedtime up to 7pm (previously 8pm). She usually falls asleep by 7:20 but is now waking around 1/1:30am and awake for 1-2 hours. The last few nights she’s bee...


Next to me crib

Hey I have the redkite cozy sleep next to me crib it comes with a travel bag so it should be able to come apart however I have no idea and can’t find anything online ? Does anyone have the same and know how to ?


No pee overnight diaper ?

Does this happen to anyone else? My 8 week old is sleeping through the night 9p-330am, feeds at 330 then sleeps again until 6-7 am. Despite her last feed before bed she never has a wet diaper on the over night feed / diaper change. She has plenty of wet diapers during the day. But I wasn’t sure if they are like us a...


4 month sleep regression

How we doin, mamas? 😅😅😅


Bed for 15month old

What bed does your 15 month old sleep in as mine sleeps in a travel cot but she is getting too big for it has anyone got any recommendations please xx


Daytime naps

I usually contact nap but I’m starting to put my baby in the next to me once a day. The first one I shut the curtains and put the noise machine on and the second I’ve kept the curtains open and just pottering around the house as I would (so not intentionally quiet). What’s everyone else doing? What are we ‘supposed’...


Is your baby sleeping through the night?

Curious to see where everyone is at. Sadly my LO has never done a full night. At most 5 hours but that was before regression hit. Ever since we started solids it has gotten a whole lot worse, 4-6 wakings. Really finding it hard, I feel so broken from lack of sleep. Don’t know what to do.


Hello everyone

how long does the c sleeping and bed sharing will last? My daughter is 6 yr old still crawls in my bed at 1am or in the morning before she gets ready for school



Anyone else’s babes not sleeping more than 20 minutes at a time and so fussy. I’m exhausted and burnt out here


5am Wake Up - any ideas?

Hi Moms! My little gal is 5 months and a week old, she took to sleep training pretty fussy free (thank you kiddo)! However, she has been waking up like clockwork at 5-5:15 am. Ideally we would start the day at 7/7:30 as my goal time. I’m using the moms on call method and toggling between 10-30 mins of letting her b...


What’s your daily average screen time ?

Mine is 4 hours (Appears on phone settings)


Sleep in the day.

How do you all get your babies to sleep longer then 30 mins on there own? My baby sleep great on his own at night but in the day I can get him to sleep longer then 30 mins unless he’s on me. I need him to sleep longer lol


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