Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.

Changing Bag

Does anyone have any recommendations for changing bags? Ideally one with compartments for bottles, nappies etc.


Sleep training

Anyone done it, had success, got a recommendation? Appreciate it’s not for everyone but some of us are more sleep deprived than others 🤪🫠


Trouble settling newborn

Hi all, I have a 10 day old newborn, who is struggling to fall asleep when placed in his bassinet. Until now I’ve had the most success when I settle him in my arms and then transfer him to bassinet once he is asleep. I’m worried this may be teaching him bad habits but at the same time want him to feel comforted by m...


Night feeds

I’m wondering if anyone can offer advice on how to maybe reduce night feeds? My little one is breastfed with one formula bottle which I give at 7pm bedtime. She then still feeds roughly every 90 mins through the night. She won’t settle at all until she’s fed back to sleep. I started the formula bottle in hopes of h...


Sleep sack or duvet?

What’s everyone using for their LO’s? We’ve been using sleep sacks but not sure if he’s starting to get too hot and perhaps introduce a duvet?! But also not sure if he’s still too young (19 months)


Diaper Bag?

Does anybody know of a dupe for this diaper bag? I really like it but don’t have the money to spend right now.


In need of some advice!

I am really struggling! My LO will cry the second I put she down, doesn’t matter where (her swing, her next to me, on my bed) throughout the day. Literally the second she is down, she cries. She is fed, changed and winded so I’m not sure what it could be. At night, she is ok. She’ll go down without an issue but in...


Baby bath seat

I know this is based off of personal preference but I still want everyone’s overall opinion on if I should get one for my 7 month old who’s nearly too big for her moby bath tub 🤷‍♀️ if you can give me tips too that’d be much appreciated 🤞



My baby has been saying Mama at me all evening! I've read that babies don't actually know the meaning of words til 10 months so she's definitely just copying me but I'm still taking it as a win 🤣 mums the word! Dada is jealous


Night time potty training

Hoping for some advice/ thoughts please.Our son became dry overnight for a good few weeks around Christmas time but stupidly we didn’t think to get rid of the nappies 😩. He’s now starting weeing in his nappy every night again.I heard somewhere that you can’t really train children to be dry at night,as some sort of…


How many Oz

My baby is nearly 3 weeks old and she seems to be going through a lot of bottles in a day she’s currently on 3oz and had been since she was born she seems to be a very hungry baby and I’m just wondering if I should up her to 4 Oz because of how many bottles she’s going through a day and she’s nearly having 30 Oz a day


Breast feeding supplements

Hi guys🫶🏼 Can anyone recommend me some breast feeding supplements and also potentially give me tips on increasing my supply please? Any advice would help, thank you!x


Fed up

Im fed up with my son father other baby mama speaking for him I'm fed up with her telling me I'm not a real mother what's a defention of a real mother I'm fed up with her saying I'm keeping the baby away from him when he literally ghosted his son in July and decided to pop up after Christmas trying to take him to th...


Baby bath seat recs

My partner and I are considering buying our baby a baby bath seat for her baths considering she’s so big now at 7 months old. Got any recommendations and suggestions? I saw on Amazon that the summer by ingenuity bath seat was frequently returned and don’t want to get a faulty one



My little girl is nearly 17 months and still can’t stand unaided or walk. How likely is it that she will just get up and walk one day? Should I consider contacting my health visitor? When did your little ones start to walk?


Baby not settling

My little one just won’t settle. I’ve tried the Ferber method. I’m at my wits end. He just cries & cries. He’s never been like this and it’s hit us like a ton of bricks. I am so stressed out 😭😭😭 I keep crying lol. Please send me tips / advice!!!


My friend is copying me what do I do?

This has been playing on my mind for a while now so just looking for a little advice.. and feel free to tell me I’m being crazy as I feel it!! 🙃so a friends of mine iv been friends years with has always copied me in little ways and big ones. BUT she always gets pregnant when Iv had a baby like tells me a few days…


Pumping overnight

If exclusively pumping, does it have to be every 2-3 hours for the first few months?


Anyone else's little one not saying mama

LO babbles dada but it's not clear she's directly relating that word to her dad it gets babbled all the time. She is making animal noises like roaring for a lion, mooing for a cow etc. However she's not saying mama. She will point and make noise at anything that takes her interest like a toy or if we're out and she ...


Overnight pumping

Do we have to pump every 2-3 hours overnight or will supply dip if we leave it 4 or 5 hours?


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