Milled flax seeds in the morning (leave them in water overnight and drink with plenty water - also good for constipation hehe), oats, porridge etc, raspberry leaf tea x
They worked for increasing my supply, but also putting baby more on boob to so that too / pumping
I use fenugreek and brewers yeast, as for increasing supply unfortunately the thing that helps is often pumping. 8-10 pumps a day and 1 or 2 of them during the night when your prolactin is at it’s highest level.
I use the Hottea Mama tea and it's great. I have one or two cups a day, I love it
@Ren omg I have flax seeds, I’ve been avoiding them idk why😂 I shall give them a go tomo, thank you x
@Neli I need to get better at pumping more often, I get a bit lazy with it because it’s so long cleaning the parts every 2 seconds 🥲 thank you!x
@Hannah okay, amazing, I’ll order some today, thank you!x
I used to take these supplements
Also I have a very good friend who used to be a midwife and is now a health visitor and has told me that there is no scientific evidence that any foods/teas or whatever actually increase milk supply and that those are only to get people to spend. She said that the only thing that increases supply is nipple stimulation, so just breastfeeding as much as possible and pumping. I used to power pump at least once a day X
@Tess thank you Tess, I used the pregnacare range when I was pregnant, it was amazing, I’ll defo give these tablets a try. I think I get discouraged pumping because I’m barely producing an ounce😫 hopefully these make a change x
@Meena🤍 trust me it works. I know what you mean about it being very long washing and sterilising the parts so just do the power pumping once or twice a day. It simulates a baby’s cluster feeding. Maybe at some point when baby is napping or when they go to sleep at night. What you do is pump for 20 mins, break for 10, pump for 10, break for 10, pump for 10. Just relax and do this whilst watching some telly and you will see a difference after doing this consistently for 3-4 days! Idk how many weeks your baby is but after 12 weeks things get easier. I REALLY struggled with my supply and used to spend hours crying wondering whats wrong with my body. Now still going strong breastfeeding at almost 10 months pp, and managed to EBF until 6 when we started to wean 🥰 You’ve got this and feel free to message if u have any questions x
@Tess aww bless you, thank you ever so much🫶🏼 she’s 7 weeks old so not long till she’s 12 weeks old 🥺 time literally flies That’s literally me girl, I tried to express today and proceeded to have a full on meltdown before asking for help on here today😂 I feel a lot better now though, I think I’m just petrified of my supply completely finishing😫 I’m going to try my best to stay ontop of the pumping for sure x
@Meena🤍 I know that feeling very well. I even went to breastfeeding support groups etc as I was so worried. You will not run out of milk trust me 🥰 keep breastfeeding on demand and do a power pump a day and you’ll be fine x
I'm kind of going through this at the moment. Had a good chat with a friend about pumping - if your stressed then you won't see as much output. And I KNOW how hard it is not to get hung up on it, I can get about 30ml out and then my brain starts telling me I have a rubbish supply etc. But a pump isn't going to replicate what our amazing baby's do for us 💕 & a pumping session isn't a reflection on our supply. I'm really trying to stick to pumping each evening as much as I can. But nothing can boost your supply more than little one being on the boob. 💕
I remember someone mentioning something about putting a camomile teabag in your bra when you go to sleep? Has anyone tested this please? If so, do you boil and strain the teabag first? I find it all so confusing 😂😂x