Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
Has anyone got any strategies that worked for them? I exclusively pump and I usually get up once in the night around 2am. Until a month ago my baby (7 months) would sleep from 8-7ish with a 10pm feed and a maybe a little drop 2.30 when I was sone pumping. I could handle this. But about a month ago he got sick and wa...
Is there any other comfortable positions other than the c shape one? I have a very picky neck and if it doesn’t sleep comfortably, I get a headache for the whole of the next day and sometimes migraines. I even have to be particular about my pillow positioning
I am pregnant and looking at different breastpumps for when the time comes. The Momcozy ones looked especially nice, and I saw they have different models… really confused what the difference is and if the more expensive ones are worth it. Specifically interested in the S12 and M5 models. Is the M5 worth it over the ...
Baby is now 10 months old. Around 6 months we settled into a schedule of times when I would offer the breast and this has been working well for us. Over the last week or so my LO has learned she can ‘ask’ for milk. And is now asking all the time, mainly I think because she can- which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, I...
Planning to go back to work when baby is 1 year. But want to continue breastfeeding ideally until he is 2. The problem is I work 12 hour shifts? (Gone for more like 14/15 hours) Has anyone else gone back to work still feeding while doing 12 hour shifts? How do you manage? I struggle to pump because I can't trigger a...
My daughter who’s 25 months can’t say mama. It’s all about dada 😭 Anyone else ?
Hello lovely mumma’s - looking for a bit of help. Recently, my (very nearly) 4month old has decided that she will only feed with me, which is very flattering, but a little isolating. She’s entirely formula fed and has been since 2 weeks old. Up until now, she was more than happy for dad to feed her too, but now wo...
Our LO is 16 weeks on Monday but he is quite chunky and weighs 17lb. We have a 4 way carrier (not sure of the brand) but he absolutely hates it. It says it’s for children up to 32lbs but the space for the body and bum seems tiny and he screams as if he’s squashed when we put him in. Any suggestions of good car...
I wanted to ease into the new time zone (8 hours difference) with an hour earlier at bedtime an hour earlier to wake up for example if she slept at 3am the first night and woke up at 12 midday the first day then on the second day it would be bed by 2am and wake up by 11am but it’s been the same ever since we got her...
My little one is 6 weeks old and hasn’t really napped well in the day since week 3. However, the past two days he’s napped most of the day. Is this normal? He seems ok aside from that but isn’t awake long in between naps either.
TW: mental health I got diagnosed with PTSD from losing my aunt in a very traumatic way. We were super close, I viewed her as a sister. It was a few years ago. I don’t necessarily want to get into it but I never processed it. I have always been terrified of the mental toll postpartum can have on you. I’ve seen my ...
Any recommendations on which ones are good, also is it worth getting a double one or just a single one
Is refusing formula a sign she doesn’t want botes anymore? My Lo screams when she sees the bottle of milk. Anyone had similar?
Hey guys! Need some help. So I have a 2 year old girl and a 1 year old girl due my 3rd girl early August. I have a double joie buggy was thinking are there any 3 seater buggies out there? If not I’m thinking of a good carrier I was looking at the baby Bjorn but I literally have no clue about carriers. Any advice wo...
Anyone else’s baby just hate the love to dream swaddles? He will happily go down swaddled in a blanket but not in a sleep bag 🤦♀️ my issue is is that I don’t like using the blanket so looking for other suggestions!
My partner went back to work 2 weeks ago. He started sleeping in the other room by himself so he could sleep and be well rested for the work day ahead. He kind of sprung this idea up on my last second so I didn’t have a great response as to what an alternative solution would be. In my mind, I’m thinking. I have to t...
I keep seeing swapping milk. How about bottles. I still have a bit of formula left so will be swapping soon but I have given my baby the formula in a supply cup and also straw cup and she kept taking and spitting it out. What cups are people swapping their bottles from
Has anyone seen any osteopath for jaw tension to help either latching? Any adjustments done? Baby wont latch well on bottle let alone nipple and its making the experience very terrifying
Baby is eating more and more food, but is refusing bottles. Smacking them away without even taking a drop at points, so far today she’s had 120ml and I just tried with a bottle and just will not take it. I spoke with the health visitor who didn’t seem concerned and said she will drop bottles. On the BLW group I was ...
I’m 5 months PP and starting to feel a bit self conscious about my hair thinning in my parting/temples. Trying not to tie my hair back tightly etc, and know that eventually it will stop and go back to normal, but do any mums have some tried and true recommendations for hair growth products that they used?