Pumping overnight

If exclusively pumping, does it have to be every 2-3 hours for the first few months?
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The first few weeks definitely! Until your supply has regulated I'd say. I am exclusively pumping too, my LG is 9 weeks now. Went from every 2 hours in the hospital, to every 3 hours the first 2 weeks, but thst drove me nuts. Went to every 4 hours gradually, to every 4,5 so I can at least have a sleep cycle. This week I've started on 4 pumps per day, and seemingly still getting enough supply. I've been a slight oversupplier though, my girl doesn't drink more than I make still

It does depend on how much you produce yourself though, take it nice and slow when you adjust to longer stretches, 15 mins per day if needed. Don't want clogged ducts or mastitis

When I started on 4 ppd my last pump was at 9, so I was pumping at 3 am, 9am, 3pm and 9pm, I'm trying to adjust it to 12/18/00/6, basically starting half an hour earlier each time until I'm there

I saw a lactation consultant who told me minimum 8 pumps a day and at least 1 overnight to establish my supply. She recommended every 2ish hours during the day so I only had to pump once overnight - so my first pump of the day was 6/7am then every two ish hours until 9pm, then I pumped around 1-2am (whenever my baby woke up basically). I did this until I was confident my supply was established around 12 weeks, but everyone is different! If you have a natural oversupply, you could prob pump less x

@Rhiannon hey 👋🏼 just reading the comments here - so if your supply is established you don’t need to pump at night? Asking because I’m 4 months in and still doing 1 pump at 3am every night …. Is it safe to drop that and just pump in the day? So scared to loosing my supply but also so tired of the night pump 😅

That chart is interesting and seems to check out. Over the last 2 weeks my pumps have produced anywhere between 7 and 10 oz, and I'm now indeed comfortable at 4 pumps a day

(she said while pumping) anyway, I hope to have shifted my schedule soon so I don't have to pump at night anymore either

Yeah I had to until my daughter was 4 months old.

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