Trouble settling newborn

Hi all, I have a 10 day old newborn, who is struggling to fall asleep when placed in his bassinet. Until now I’ve had the most success when I settle him in my arms and then transfer him to bassinet once he is asleep. I’m worried this may be teaching him bad habits but at the same time want him to feel comforted by me when he needs it. How are other mummies putting their newborns to sleep, and any tips for helping them sleep when placed into their bassinets awake?
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No tips, but most newborns don’t like sleeping in their bassinets/ cots etc It’s not a bad habit to comfort your baby x

You can try swaddling, a t shirt that smells like you, white noise. But again he’s so small still and settling isn’t a bad thing at all I did it for weeks until I got into a habit of changing my babies nappy, having a feed and swaddle her and let her have a babble for a little bit in her next to me cot with the sits down so I was laying next to her until she fell back to sleep. Don’t stress it too much babies can’t self soothe or fall asleep on their own until around 4/6 months old and some even later x


I agree. The it isnt bad habit to comfort your baby crowd is a direct consequence of capitalism. Sleep training is an entire industry to get moms back into productivity. But that's a story for another day. Most babies hate the bassinet. If you are near put him down on something softer to rest in. Or baby wear.

Other than those super early newborn days, we have always rocked to sleep apart from maybe 2/3 days where the pram bassinet had some magical sleepy effect. As others have said, until they can self soothe, it’s really tricky to nail ‘drowsy but awake’ for put downs and personally find it can cause more frustration on both our parts. If you can hold to sleep then nail the transfer to bassinet / bed, you’re golden - otherwise I’d say enjoy the contact naps (and if you need your hands, get a stretchy wrap, they can be a lifesaver!)

Babies don’t and can’t form sleep habits before 3-4 months so please don’t worry about how you’re settling your baby. If you’re having success by rocking him to sleep and then placing him down that’s brilliant and you should stick with that :) For now your baby doesn’t even know he’s a separate person to you, so he absolutely needs your comfort and support to fall asleep so you’re doing exactly what your baby needs ❤️

I had the same problem and all I did was see what she preferred and made a plan around it. So she loved sleeping on me, so I would settle her and then place a shirt of mine as her cot sheet. Another thing is the way she sleeps, she hated being in the traditional swaddle and I noticed she slept with her hands next to her head so I bought the love to dream swaddle and she's been sleeping 3-4 hours straight. It really does work

Thanks everyone that all actually very nice to hear. I’ll keep doing what I’m doing!

My almost 3wk old I breastfed one side, change, swaddle, feed the other breast and once finished I put her in her bassinet. I use some form of background noise at night (pink/white or brown noise or yt baby sleep music).

10 days old I'd just cuddle to sleep then transfer. He's not used to life without you so a bassinet is a strange place. You could swaddle too

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