Night feeds

I’m wondering if anyone can offer advice on how to maybe reduce night feeds? My little one is breastfed with one formula bottle which I give at 7pm bedtime. She then still feeds roughly every 90 mins through the night. She won’t settle at all until she’s fed back to sleep. I started the formula bottle in hopes of her sleeping a little longer but it’s made no difference… I’m feeding between 6 to 8 times through the night and at 6 and a half months i thought she’d be sleeping better now
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My boy is exactly the same. Used to sleep through and since the 4 month regression has been exactly like this. I give a bottle of expressed milk at bedtime but this also hasn’t helped, people said to move him into his own room, again done this and it hasn’t helped either 😣 Completely with you mama, we need sleep! 😣

My boy is waking every two hours overnight again now. Sometimes I wonder if I may actually die of tiredness?! He’s 6 months and only done a 6 hour stretch once. Even 4 hours is a distant memory now. He goes off fine luckily but then wakes regularly and is very hard to get him back to sleep unless he goes on the boob but then he doesn’t feed properly he just comfort snacks and nods off. I’ve tried not feeding him but then he ends up hysterical and I can’t bear that so I pop him on and the cycle continues :( was going to put in his own room soon but doesn’t seem like that’s the answer either and I don’t want to spend my nights in a chair next to his cot 😢

I’m in the same boat, no idea what to advise but you’re not alone.

Sounds like it might be habit rather than hunger, worth working on her settling herself rather than feed to sleep. Up to a couple of months ago my EBF LO was waking roughly every hour, got to the point I couldn’t function so did a bit of gentle sleep training which helped to reduce the night wakings now only wakes once for a feed, if she wakes more she puts herself back to sleep. I know sleep training isn’t for everyone, even if you don’t worth looking at ways to avoid feeding to sleep.

I EBF till baby girl was 5 months. Slowly started introducing formula. Now she finishes a 7oz bottle at 3pm and 6pm. I then BF at 9pm and she tends to sleep at 10.30pm. I’ve started to “sleep train” her so she often wakes at 3am and then again at 7am for a feed. The last 4 days, I pat or rock her to sleep instead of feeding her like I used to. The first 2 days was successful. The last 2 days not so much - I had to co-sleep with her and then last night I had to feed her as she was basically up between 3-6am and refused to settle. Its tough but going to keep pushing and slowly up her formula and foods in the day to see if it helps her sleep through the night x

oh and my night feeds reduced from 4 nightfeeds to 1-2 when I used a similar method. Just trying to settle her back to sleep, co-sleeping if i really had to, till she got used to less feeds in the night. I also feel introducing formula in the day helped x

My baby wants to feed this often too. But I think it’s for comfort and not hunger. There have been a few times where I’ve picked her up to feed her again an hour and a half later and she has literally been sick on me. What is working at the moment is we settle her with a dr brown dummy and rocking if it’s been less than 2 and a half hours since feeding and she goes back to sleep. Then we put the mam dummy in so it doesn’t fall out and she stays asleep. Our new move is called the ‘dummy swap’. And then feed if it’s been 2 1/2 hrs +

I will probably jinx myself now but my Little girl hasn’t woke up for a feed for over a week now. She can go 3/4 hours through the day without milk so that’s how I started if she woke up before 3 then I would resettle without offering milk (takes a bit longer at first.) If she woke after the 3 hours, I would try resettle for 5/10 mins and then feed if she wouldn’t settle and gradually she has weaned herself. I think the fact she has taken to food quite well has also helped. We don’t get a full night sleep by any means but it’s easier not feeding her.

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