My friend is copying me what do I do?
This has been playing on my mind for a while now so just looking for a little advice.. and feel free to tell me I’m being crazy as I feel it!! 🙃so a friends of mine iv been friends years with has always copied me in little ways and big ones. BUT she always gets pregnant when Iv had a baby like tells me a few days after Iv had a baby. Not once but 3 TIMES now, like surly the 3rd baby ain’t a coincidence? but now it’s like it’s gone on to her, how sick she’s been and tired she’s feeling! Maybe she’s using it to bond. but I just want to enjoy my special newborn time.
Hope I’m not coming across selfish
Was she there for you through your pregnancy when you was saying you was tired/sick etc? Understand you want to enjoy you newborn time but she may just want some support