The fourth trimester is one of the most rewarding yet challenging times. Discover the secrets to better postpartum care from experts and real mamas on Peanut.
I am 5 weeks postpartum and I’m experiencing lots of thoughts I keep thinking to myself what did I get myself into by having a baby? All I keep thinking is that I don’t want to do this for the rest of my life. I feel like a bad mom thinking this because I have been freaking out when taking care of my daughter. My fi...
How long does epidural pain/achyness last after giving birth ?
Has anyone else found they're crying a lot about random things and like super sensitive? Just wondering if it's normal, if it's maybe due to increase in hormones or a sign of labour coming possibly?
I have a very close friend of around 10 years and I would say the past two months or so anytime someone upsets her she messages me and talks to me like absolute crap (will swear, tell me I’m stuck up and I have nothing to complain about). Today she has fallen out with another mum on the group chat because her son ...
Hi all :) my gorgeous little girl arrived late Feb and completed our family of 4 :) I already have my 3 year old little girl, and she is completely obsessed with our new arrival, but as expected, her emotions have been off the scale and I’m just a bit lost as to how to handle this? I expected her to find it diffic...
A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post about my partner and how much I was struggling. He dumped me by text accusing me of the most horrendous things. As it turns out, he has been telling all his friends that I won’t let him speak to anyone and that I wouldn’t let him go anywhere, but he always came and went as he p...
I am 5 weeks postpartum and I’m experiencing lots of negative thoughts I keep thinking to myself what did I get myself into by having a baby? All I keep thinking is that I don’t want to do this for the rest of my life. I have been freaking out when taking care of my daughter and my fiance has to take over and I feel...
It was long journey to getting my daughter, 12 years of infertility and miscarriages and suddenly she came as a surprise when I lost hope of ever being a mum. When I was pregnant I was so scared of losing her I didn't really enjoy the pregnancy, the only time I did was when I could feel her moving, kicking and hiccu...
My little boy was born on 03/03 and I’ve just been crying whenever I’ve been alone and then today I’ve just not been able to really stop myself. He’s my second child first was born April 2023 and I had similar then where I was just an emotional mess and constantly felt sad. Is this postpartum depression?
Baby boy arrived 5 weeks early at 35+1 on 22nd February was due 28th March Natural birth but 2nd degree tears , how long does it take to heal ? Feel it’s getting worse and now struggling to sit down. Baby boy is going well just me 🤣
Me and my boyfriend have broken up today we’ve been together 2.5 years and our baby girl is 10 months old. I feel like I’ve lost my best friend and boyfriend at once. I’m honestly heartbroken and don’t know what to do without him. We broke up due to us arguing a lot and admittedly most of it being my fault. Our expe...
I feel so awful… I was trying to breastfeed my 6 month old and dish up dinner (I have a special sling I can put her in to feed). As I opened the oven, her leg managed to tap the inside of the oven door… she was nearly asleep and burst out crying for a couple of seconds and then I realised what had happened…. She was...
Ladies I’m a first time mom and need some insight. What is postpartum like and how did you recover?
I don’t know if I’m wrong but I feel as if my baby’s father isn’t being really more so providing me with the mental and physical support I need as he said he would, the baby isn’t even close to being here yet either , I get the becoming a dad thing is pretty much stressful for them alone but I feel there’s no compar...
Okay so my daughter is 11 and the rule is NO social media. I'm going to give a little background info real quick. My daughter is like low level autistic and has big meltdowns that are honestly scary. And also has had so much friend drama and sad moments where friends left her or betrayed her... she lost another cl...
How does healing work? I’ve never given myself the opportunity to truly be alone and heal prior to jumping into another distraction. Do you just endure the pain and cry until you can’t anymore? Until it doesn’t hurt anymore? How do I do this?
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