Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

What do you fear most about your own death?

Postpartum got me thinking about life and death on the daily. Not religious in any way, would prefer to leave religion out of this one.


Mum guilt

I am currently in my first trimester, and my youngest has just turned 6 months. I had hyperemesis gravidarum in my last two pregnancies, and I have it again. I barely leave the house other than the school run for my older children because of how much I've been struggling with the sickness. I feel so bad for my baby ...


Intimacy with partner

I’m 4months pp, exclusively BF. I cannot bring myself to get intimate with my husband. I can tell he’s waiting for me to initiate without putting any pressure on me but it’s like that part of my brain has just switched off with no libido, don’t really know what to do xxx


Postpartum hair loss

My daughter had her first birthday exactly a month ago and my pp hair loss is still going strong. I haven't actually done something about it seriously yet but I'm curious to know if anyone was in my situation. Did you do something that worked for you?


Honestly feel so broken

We were engaged and tried for a baby then he leaves me and a month later he moves on with someone else like I never mattered or existed.. this hurts too much


Pregnant with baby #2/getting separated

So I am pregnant with baby number 2, my husband and I are having a really rough time, I made the decision that is best for us to separate. We obviously are going to be in each other’s lives because we have a kid together and another one on the way, I just feel alone and scared to look for a place on my own but I kno...


Hello everyone!

What's some things you ladies do to help control you're bpd I'll go first 🧡🫶🏻 I like to go on walks, read, cuddle my kiddos, listen to music. I just got diagnosed a couple months ago were working on getting me on the right medication!


9 months postpartum

Dose anyone else experience this? It’s very painful when we have sex even when we’re gentle and stuff I feel like a virgin is what I like to call it lol , idk if it’s different because I had a c section, if it’s cause I get hemorrhoids and just cause there on/in my butt it rubs it when we have sex idk . Any tips ? S...


Postpartum hair loss

Help! I started experiencing hair shedding around 4 months pp. I am going on a trip next month and want to get knotless braids, but I’m afraid it will make it worse. Has anyone done this? I’m now 5 months pp so I’m not sure how long this shedding will last.


Mum guilt so bad

So we were all playing with my little one and I’ve tapped him with my food on his stomach and he lost his balance but he had his dummy in as he fell he hit his dummy in his mouth and cut his lip yes it was bleeding but it’s all okay now I know his lip will heal and it’s the inside so it seemed a lot worse my partner...


worried about traumatizing my baby

i’m a first time mom and still in my first trimester, so i know i’ve got a little time to try to figure stuff out. but im so terrified that my bpd outbursts are going to continue after my baby is born and im terrified that im going to traumatize them due to my own struggles with emotions. i’m working with my therapi...


Hurting emotionally

I’m currently hiding in my kids room cleaning it while I’m crying I just need a big hug and of course I have no one


Postpartum Hair loss 😢

Hello, I’m 3 months postpartum, and I’ve started losing my hair 🥺 is there any tips to help with this? I feel like I’m going to be bald soon 🙈 Thanks 🫶🏼 xx


2nd time Mummy’s - how are you coping with 1st trimester and a toddler?

I’m feeling exhausted, low in mood and nauseous all day. I have a 17 month old who’s good as gold and fortunately pretty good at independent play but I’m still finding it so hard to cope with first trimester whilst looking after him. My husband is amazingly supportive and takes over as soon as he finishes work but I...


Is there music that immediately puts you in a good mood?

I had therapy this afternoon and I had a headache and have generally been feeling pretty awful but she said I seemed cheerful and talkative and I was like yeah I have no idea why 😂. Then I got back in my car and realized I had been listening to the song Doodles by Rose Betts. And I just can't be upset about…


Not yet feeling connected or “loving” baby

Is anyone else feeling this way? I feel so guilty I am not enjoying this when I wanted this baby so bad. We’re about 2.5 weeks in now and I love my baby I just don’t feel happy about it or her


Postpartum in men/women

Does postpartum affect men deeper than women? They are the providers, they have to deal with lifestyle changes too..



Hi ladies, I hope you’re ok Basically, I was just wondering if any of you had an epidural and how you found it? When I had my little boy, we were back to back and the pain was unreal so now thinking ahead for baby #2 Thank you 🤍


I cant take it anymore

I dont know what to do. Part of me wishes my husband and I would have gotten dog or a cat instead of having a baby. I love my son to death but i cant take it anymore. Hes always screaming ALWAYS SCREAMING ALL THE TIME. We live in a studio. So theres no time for just me and my husband. Its really affecting our marri...


No interest in intimacy

I’m not sure if this is the right place to put this. I have absolutely no interest in intimacy, especially sex. My husband wants to do things and wants me to be more physical (initiate hugs and kisses) and I said I would try, but I just can’t. Thinking about it makes me want to cry. And I feel so bad because I know ...


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