Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.
Do I have to wait 6 week to have sex? 😭
I’m 5 months pregnant and I’m just feeling down today. I’m so emotional and sad but it’s not coming from anything in particular… how do you stop feeling sad when you don’t know why your sad. Crying for no reason randomly. Anyone else experiencing or experienced this?
I think it’s more open now that my belly isn’t hanging over it as my uterus has shrunk down at 5 weeks. It’s recently gotten infected and just feels more sore day to day like it’s rubbing on stuff and I don’t know what to do. I’ve been wearing maternity underwear but I don’t know what underwear now would be best. ...
So it’s a long and tough tiring week lately , my baby was ill and clingy I let her watch allot for 2 days because she wasn’t settling at all otherwise.now how to get her out of it
I just wanted to share a positive post regarding sex after baby because I’ve only seen negative ones on here and I was freaking out that everything would be horrible/painful/loose. I had sex with my spouse for the first time yesterday after baby. I waited the 6 weeks plus a few extra days. I had a 1st degree tear th...
When did you ladies get your first period back?
Just looking for advice, I am planing to file for divorce in January when I will be 7 months pregnant, my husband never treated me well but I forgive him since he promised he will change but he only does for 1 -2 weeks and again ignores me, rejected me and more. Any way he has been treated me worse during my pregnan...
I'm seriously so over my mil. She acts like she loves my daughter so much. She posts things about missing her yet won't call or text to talk to her. She also couldn't even call her on her first bday): yet made a point to post ok my post about how much she loves her and I honestly hide the comment I was so pissed. Li...
I have been diagnosed with chronic PTSD and have honestly suffered for years before considering taking this medication, I declined it for a long time until now at 36 weeks pregnant I just need something to be able to get to sleep at night. Doctor has told me half a tablet when I need it at night and it really really...
I just had my second baby on sunday and everything has been going great! Shes healthy, feeding well and her big brother is in awe of her. I find myself crying or feeling overcome with sadness by the end of each day. Nothing can be going wrong I just feel this grief for I guess what was and what wont be anymore. I ho...
Anyone else’s MIL infuriatingly annoying! We haven’t got a house atm as waiting for it to be built and splitting living with my parents and my husband’s parents with our 7 month old. We were at his parents for 3 weeks or so and his mum was constantly just hovering with everything I was doing. I never had any bre...
How’s everyone’s partner been doing throughout this last stretch? Have they been helpful and supportive? My husband has a history of depression and seems to be having a hard time lately. Doesn’t always show much interest in getting things ready for the baby. It makes me feel like I’m nagging all the time 😕
Ever since I stopped breastfeeding my little girl at 20 months she has been using destructive measures to self soothe. She bites her nails and this past couple of weeks has been pulling her own hair out when going to sleep or waking up and sometimes in the car. She doesn't want to be cuddled or rocked to sleep and k...
I love my little girl who is 1, so so so much but sometimes I’m having the feeling of regret? Obviously I wouldn’t change her for the world, she so incredibly perfect. But I’m a solo parent from her birth and am starting to feel overwhelmed to the point I’m crying from just playing with my little girl. Has anyone el...
Hello moms, it’s been 3 months since I gave birth to my first child. Im feeling very overwhelmed I love my daughter a lot but I feel like I need friends around who understands what I’m going through. It’s been so hard sometimes I can’t even see myself getting out of this phase. I have been arguing with my husband a ...
How long do y’all bleed postpartum ? I’m 8 weeks postpartum and still bleeding but it’s on and off. One week I’ll be normal and the next bleeding again and vise versa
I haven't been to many baby classes during my maternity leave but started going to one a couple of months ago. My baby seems like she's quite shy when she's there...the other babies crawl into the middle of the circle and play with the toys, she will sit in my lap or just in front of me. She also doesn't babble at a...
The last months have been really rough. Facing homelessness, my boyfriends car being taken shortly after, it’s been a financial rollercoater with more downs then ups. Our baby is due is February….dont have a crib or bassinet no car seat no clothes or anything. Didn’t get to have a maternity shoot like I’ve always wa...
My fiancée proposed at our sons first birthday but I don’t feel too excited, in fact I’ve been super sad. when I see videos of how other partners propose to their loved ones I find myself wanting to cry and I feel ungrateful. I don’t feel magical and I’m not one for the magical feeling but getting proposed to is suc...
So I realised today I'm depressed and nobody knows. I'm keeping it a secret because then I'm not bringing anyone else down plus I don't know how to deal with other ppl knowing..my birth was terrible and I wanted to breast feed but it didn't work out. I love my baby so much and live being a mum. I just moved to the ...