Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.
I am struggling with PPD and not a single person in my life has noticed. I feel like I could just slip away and no one would realize. I had a traumatic birth at the end of October. My baby was supposed to be born November 2nd. Anywho, I was severely injured during my delivery and my recovery has been really rough...
I’ve been with my husband for 15 years. We met quite young and I said from the start I didn’t like receiving oral. I had never received it before but was self conscious and embarrassed about the appearance of my labia minora being uneven and dangly. Anyway, no questions asked and he’s never given me oral. To this d...
Ouch?! 29 weeks! Anyone else?
How does anyone do anything? I have a colic baby, with horrible reflux, she's 6 weeks old and needs to constantly be held and even when I do hold her she's crying. I don't sleep, I can barely shower- never longer than five minutes. I can't eat, never mind try and sit and hold her. I have absolutely no help, I need t...
I’ve 30 +2 weeks pregnant and I’ve been admitted into hospital (3 days ago) due to my placenta coming away from the wall, reduced movements, baby losing weight and my amniotic fluid is reducing. They are keeping me in until 32 weeks where they will be doing a c section (could be sooner if things get worse). This new...
I’m three months out from having my baby and I have a two year old. I’m a SAHM. My sex drive has been little to nothing and I used to have such a high one. I don’t feel like myself, any tips on getting it back?
did anyone find breastfeeding made you really emotional and hormonal? i feel like im bipolar i constantly change my mind and struggle to hold down relationships and friendships. i feel so stressed some days and feel like im detached from reality
I'm a first time mum and my baby is a little over 5 weeks. This has been the most difficult thing I've done. The sleep deprivation; trying to feed but having all sorts of issues; the crying the colic and not knowing what will make baby happy; all the wardrobe changes; the loss of freedom. I love my baby.. but i wan...
I’ve got a 7 week old baby and also a 2.5 year old. Since my baby has been born, my toddlers behaviour has just gone awol. She’s nothing short of feral, and I don’t say that lightly. I know having a new baby is a huge adjustment etc and to expect some bad behaviour but she is literally angry, naughty and generally u...
I’ve finally snapped. I spoke to my sweet, sweet, delusional love about how his mother constantly feels the need to make herself a victim in everything, particularly when she is being forceful about something we have said no to or overstepping a boundary. “She’s not that bad. There are worse Mother In Laws”. Exc...
Is anyone else Braxton hicks becoming much more painful and worse at night?
Had my return to work meeting today, although I'm not back till June it made me instantly anxious and upset. Anyone else feeling like this and how are you dealing with these emotions? Can't stop hugging my baby and feeling sad about it....
I feel like I’m at the point where everyone online is getting pregnant with their second or desperately wanting another. I see people with little babies along with a toddler and think ‘how on earth, why on earth?!’ I always thought my little girl would have a sibling but I cannot stand parenting. My mental health c...
I'm 34 weeks pregnant with my second daughter and feeling really guilty about the lack of connection I feel with this baby. I love my first so much it's hard to picture loving anyone else as much. Is it normal to feel this way?
Morning Mammas! Sorry for the TMI but I’ve had the worst period ever since giving birth. I know the first day of your period can be heavy but this was like when I’d come home from the hospital after giving birth. The same day I’ve come down with this horrific cough and cold and I think it’s just been a combination o...
Help….im sitting in my bathroom overwhelmed and crying. Baby girl is 3 weeks old. Mother in law oversteps and takes control ( started when we all got sick and now she insists on just taking over when asked for advice). Baby has a crying fit where nothing will console her at all for hours starting at 10pm. I think...
I’m 3 months postpartum and I started losing sooo much hair. Does anyone have any tips or like shampoos/ vitamins to use to make it better? And when does it usually stops. I’m worried I’ll become bold
I’m 17 weeks pregnant and a FTM. I’ve been struggling with anxiety/depression and have tried to manage it through therapy, coaching lessons, and physical activity/working out. My midwife suggested Zoloft, saying low dose is generally safe for baby. When I told my partner, he got angry with me and told me I just need...
I’m 9 weeks postpartum after a normal delivery with a third-degree tear. My stitches opened a month ago, but my midwife and GP haven’t done anything, and I’m still in pain. I feel like I’ve been left to just deal with it on my own. Has anyone else experienced this? How long did it take for you to heal, and did you g...
My partner and I have a son together. 2nd, third trimester and postpartum he barely did the minimum, but acted like he was moving mountains for me. It put me off wanting anymore kids. Our relationship was really rocky, about a year ago I decided I didn’t want to deal with it anymore since it felt like I was a single...