It really really upsets me that people just come in all hands open ready to literally invade your personal space. I've had it happen once with DIL – who I do not like. It was nauseating. The only other person was my mum, but she asked and I felt more comfortable knowing that she had the respect to ask. I think Raja's comment is a good strategy. This would drive me absolutely insane. Hopefully once you've set your boundaries you'll get some reprieve!
Thank you so much ladies! I’ll definitely put some boundaries in place 🤍
Honestly, just be honest first with your partner about how your feeling and then both of you sit down and talk to his parents and let them know how your are feeling in a respectful but boundary setting way. I didn’t live w/ my in laws but before we would go visit my husband would let them know and remind them that I did not want anyone rubbing and touching me at all or anyone to be in my face. He didn’t want anyone overwhelming me. He handled his family so I’m not sure if there was any negative feelings about it but I can tell you that NO ONE touched me except his sister and when she did he immediately reminded her of our boundary and she backed off. The best thing to do is be honest. If that doesn’t work, then head out!