Very normal. It gets easier in time xx
Yes this still happens to me too, I have a 4 month old little girl. I try to remind myself that I’ve done absolutely everything in my power to protect her. Tell yourself that too. You are a great mum and you are worrying because you care. Your little girl loves you and you love her so much that you are doing everything you can to keep her safe xx
I feel like this, everytime i get close to falling asleep i jump up to check on her, i feel like i cant sleep until point im so exhausted i cant keep eyes open, i lie facing her cot to check, jump up in night constantly, when i roll onto my back to sleep i feel so guilty about it like im saying i dont care enough to check, contemplate being able to stay up all night and survive off less sleep to watch her till partner wakes, some nights are better than others but it sometimes feels so out of control😭
The owlet sock helped with my anxiety x
had this happen to me so much when i first had my son (now 3 years old), it definitely eased off eventually but it is terrifying xxx
Very normal!!!!
You might want to look up intrusive thoughts - it’s totally normal but it will help explain why you’re having these thoughts & might help you feel better about it xx
I struggled with this massively with my baby boy, he's 4 months now and it doesn't really enter my mind anymore. It will pass, but it does suck
We have a snuza hero we got for £14 off vinted it has helped so much! X
I’d say it’s normal when my baby was newborn if I woke up in the night before I even opened my eyes I would jump up to check she was breathing