176 Extraordinary Exotic Baby Boy Names

176 Extraordinary Exotic Baby Boy Names

Your baby boy is unique, so why not give him a truly extraordinary name from our list of the top exotic baby boy names?

Exotic names conjure images of white sand, blue sea, and a blazing sun ā€’ unforgettable getaways and memorable experiences.

So what better way to prepare your little peanut for the world than naming him from our list of beautifully exotic boy names?

In this article: šŸ“

  • What is an exotic boy name?
  • What is the rarest name for a boy?
  • What are some edgy boy names?
  • Whatā€™s a badass name for a boy?
  • More exotic baby boy names




What is an exotic boy name?

ā€˜Exoticā€™ is a strange word, literally meaning ā€œforeignā€ or ā€œdifferentā€, so whatā€™s exotic to you might not be exotic to another person.

Finding an exotic boy name that suits your little prince while being unusual and honoring another culture can be tricky, but rest assured, weā€™ve got you covered with lots of exotic boy names to choose from.

Before we dive in, we want to mention cultural appropriation.

Choosing an exotic name without understanding the significance of it in its original culture can be considered appropriative, particularly if you donā€™t have that particular heritage in your family tree.

If in doubt, reach out to someone from that culture to learn more and get their opinion.

What is the rarest name for a boy?

If youā€™re after an exotic boy name thatā€™ll be unique in the playground, hereā€™s our selection of ten of the rarest exotic boy names:

  1. Adeben: One of the exotic male names thatā€™s rarely found outside of Africa, this Ghanaian name means ā€œtwelfth-born sonā€.
  2. Azai: Meaning ā€œstrengthā€ in Hebrew.
  3. Firdaus: (fihr-da-oos) For the baby boy whose arrival means your house is now a home, Firdaus means ā€œparadiseā€ in Arabic and Urdu.
  4. Harolin: One of the more uncommon exotic boyā€™s names, Harolin means ā€œarmy leaderā€ in Spanish. Harry is a cute nickname.
  5. Iokua: (yo-koo-ah) Another of the rarest exotic baby boy names, Iokua means ā€œGod is salvationā€ ā€’ a Hawaiā€™ian variation on the Hebrew name Joshua.
  6. Jothi: (joh-tee) Looking for exotic boy names that also work for baby girls? Jothi is a gender-neutral Sri Lankan name meaning ā€œlightā€.
  7. Kairos: Meaning ā€œright timeā€ in Greek.
  8. Maliki: One of many Arabic exotic boyā€™s names, the meaning of the name Maliki is ā€œmessenger of Godā€ ā€’ a variation on the Hebrew name Malachi.
  9. Naveen: Meaning ā€œnewā€ in Sanskrit.
  10. Ramzan: One of the exotic male names that hasnā€™t been seen for quite some time, Ramzan is an Egyptian name meaning ā€œsun godā€. Zan is an adorable nickname.
  11. Tafari: How about more historical exotic boyā€™s names? Tafari is an Amharic name meaning ā€œhe who inspires aweā€, and was also the name of the last Emperor of Ethiopia.
  12. Taranis: An exotic-sounding boyā€™s name, Taranic is actually Celtic, meaning ā€œthunderā€.
  13. Xaloc: (scha-lok) One of the newest exotic baby boy names, Xaloc means ā€œeasterly windā€ or ā€œsiroccoā€.




What are some edgy boy names?

Edgy boyā€™s names are mysterious, with ethereal meanings ā€’ sometimes gothic.

If youā€™re looking for exotic male names that also give your baby boy ā€˜the edgeā€™, check out these five edgy exotic baby boy names:

  1. Altair: (ahl-tah-eer) One of the most exotic boy names with both sweet and edgy meanings. Altair is an Arabic boyā€™s name meaning ā€œbirdā€, as well as the brightest star in the Aquila constellation. Altair is also one of the main characters of the popular Assassinā€™s Creed video game series.
  2. Bacchus: (bah-kus) Strong and edgy, Bacchus is one of the more mythological exotic male names on the list, referring to the Greek god of festivity, wine, fertility, and theater.
  3. Idris: A name thatā€™s not so much edgy in meaning, but due to the undeniable coolness of a certain Idris Elba. Idris actually has two meanings: Hebrew for ā€œinterpreterā€ and Welsh for ā€œenthusiastic lordā€.
  4. Lazar: One of the edgier Biblical exotic boy names, Lazar is a shortened version of Lazarus, the name of the man Jesus brought back from the dead. Lazar also means ā€œmy God has helpedā€.
  5. Malachi: (ma-la-kye) Another of our top edgy Hebrew exotic names for boys, Malachi means ā€œmy messengerā€, but itā€™s made our ā€˜edgyā€™ list because of its similarity to malachite, a beautiful green crystal thatā€™s said to have both transformative and protective powers.
  6. Orion: Meaning ā€œson of fireā€ in Greek.

Whatā€™s a badass name for a boy?

Give your baby boy a head start with one of our badass exotic boy names, so they can handle anything that comes their way.

Here are our top five badass exotic names for boys:

  1. Alessandro: One of the most popular badass exotic boy names, Alessandro means ā€œdefenderā€ in Italian. Sandro or Alex both make strong nicknames.
  2. Guillermo: Another of our exotic baby boy names meaning ā€œdefenderā€, Guillermo specifically means ā€œdetermined protectorā€ in Spanish.
  3. Keaton: What could be more badass than naming your little peanut after one of the actors who played Batman ā€’ Michael Keaton? Name meaning ā€œplace of hawksā€ in Old English.
  4. Marco: The Spanish and Italian version of Mark, meaning ā€œwarlikeā€ or ā€œlike the god Marsā€. One of the stronger exotic names for boys.
  5. Umberto: One of the less common exotic baby boy names, Umberto means ā€œbright warriorā€ in Italian. Bert or Berto make sweet nicknames.




More exotic baby boy names

Still not quite found the right exotic baby name for your babe?

Here are some more exotic boy names for you to peruse:

  1. Abijah: Hebrew, ā€œGod is my fatherā€.
  2. Adlai: Hebrew, ā€œrefuge of Godā€.
  3. ƁdomĆ”s: Hungarian, ā€œpledgeā€. Can be shortened to Adam.
  4. Adonis: Greek, ā€œhandsomeā€.
  5. Aeneas: Greek, ā€œworthy of praiseā€.
  6. Ahmik: Hebrew, ā€œstrength of Godā€™s peopleā€.
  7. Ajayi: Yoruba, ā€œborn face-downā€.
  8. Akando: Native American, ā€œambushā€.
  9. Akil: Arabic, ā€œintelligentā€, or ā€œthoughtfulā€.
  10. Akio: Japanese, ā€œbright manā€.
  11. Alcander: Greek, ā€œstrongā€.
  12. Aleron: French, ā€œknightā€™s armorā€.
  13. Aleser: Arabic, ā€œlionā€.
  14. Alim: Arabic, ā€œwiseā€.
  15. Amir: Arabic, ā€œprinceā€.
  16. Ammiras: Arabic, ā€œcommanderā€.
  17. Anders: Scandinavian, ā€œmanlyā€.
  18. Aren: Nigerian, ā€œeagleā€.
  19. Ari: Hebrew, ā€œlionā€.
  20. Arion: Greek, ā€œmusicianā€.
  21. Aristo: Greek, ā€œbestā€.
  22. Arjun: Indian, ā€œwhiteā€ or ā€œclearā€.
  23. Asher: Hebrew, ā€œhe is happyā€ or ā€œhe is blessedā€.
  24. Attikos or Atticus: Greek, ā€œfrom Atticaā€.
  25. Axil: Indian, ā€œcheetahā€; Hebrew, ā€œfather is peaceā€.
  26. Azael: Spanish, ā€œhazel treeā€.
  27. Azaire: French, ā€œGod has helpedā€.
  28. Baingana: Ugandan, ā€œpeople are created equalā€.
  29. Bakari: Swahili, ā€œpromiseā€.
  30. Bali: Hindi, ā€œwarriorā€.
  31. Bandele: Yoruba, ā€œborn away from homeā€.
  32. Barış: Turkish, ā€œrainfallā€.
  33. Beauden: (boh-den) New Zealand, ā€œbeautifulā€.
  34. Calisto: Spanish, ā€œmost beautifulā€.
  35. Ciro: Spanish, ā€œSunā€.
  36. Dakarai: African, ā€œhappinessā€.
  37. Dakota: Native American, ā€œfriendsā€.
  38. Dante: (dahn-tay) Italian, ā€œenduringā€.
  39. Darian: Persian, ā€œgiftā€.
  40. Dario: Spanish, ā€œwealthyā€.
  41. Dā€™Artagnan: (dart-ang-yan) French, ā€œfrom Artagnanā€.
  42. Dechen: Tibetan, ā€œhappinessā€.
  43. Delano: French, ā€œof the nightā€.
  44. Deshal: Hindi, ā€œnationā€.
  45. Dilshad: Urdu, ā€œhappy heartā€.
  46. Dyami: Native American, ā€œeagleā€.
  47. Ebrima: Gambian, ā€œfather of manyā€.
  48. Efrain: (eh-frah-een) Spanish, ā€œbountifulā€ or ā€œfruitfulā€.
  49. Elias: Hebrew, ā€œYahweh is my Godā€.
  50. Elio: Italian, Spanish, ā€œSunā€.
  51. Ɖmile: French, ā€œrivalā€.
  52. Emre: Turkish, ā€œloveā€ or ā€œfriendshipā€.
  53. Enrique: Spanish, ā€œruler of the houseā€.
  54. Enzo: Italian, ā€œruler of the homeā€.
  55. Essien: African, ā€œsixth-born sonā€.
  56. Esteban: Spanish, ā€œcrownā€.
  57. Evander: Greek, ā€œgood of manā€; Norse, Scottish, ā€œwarrior of the bowā€.
  58. Fabio: Italian, ā€œbeanā€.
  59. Faustus: Roman, ā€œluckyā€ or ā€œauspiciousā€.
  60. Felipe: (feh-leep-eh) Spanish, ā€œfriend of horsesā€.
  61. Florian: German, ā€œflowerā€.
  62. Francesco: Italian, ā€œFrenchā€.
  63. FÅ«jin: Japanese, ā€œspirit of the windā€.
  64. Girish: Indian, ā€œlord of the mountainā€.
  65. Gobi: Indian, ā€œhappyā€.
  66. Gozo: Spanish, ā€œjoyā€.
  67. Harith: Arabic, ā€œplowmanā€ or ā€œfarmerā€. Can be shortened to Harry.
  68. Helaku: Native American, ā€œsunny dayā€.
  69. Imani: Swahili, ā€œfaithā€.
  70. Isander: Greek, ā€œdefender of menā€.
  71. Itzak: Hebrew, ā€œlaughterā€.
  72. Jabari: Swahili, ā€œbraveā€.
  73. Jabir: Arabic, ā€œhe who comfortsā€.
  74. Jamal: Arabic, ā€œbeautyā€.
  75. Javier: (ha-vee-ehr or kha-bee-ehr) Spanish, ā€œnew houseā€.
  76. Jelani: African, ā€œstrongā€.
  77. Jibri: Arabic, ā€œGod is my strong manā€.
  78. Joaquin: (wah-keen) Spanish, ā€œGod will judgeā€.
  79. Kael: Irish, ā€œgracefulā€.
  80. Kai: Chinese, ā€œtriumphant musicā€; Hawaiā€™ian, ā€œseaā€; German, ā€œwarriorā€.
  81. Kaio: Japanese, ā€œcheerfulā€.
  82. Kairo: Greek, ā€œone who is victoriousā€.
  83. Kalei: Hawaiā€™ian, ā€œflowersā€ or ā€œchildā€.
  84. Kalil: Arabic, ā€œfriendā€.
  85. Kateb: Arabic, ā€œwriterā€.
  86. Kidist: (kih-dihs) Amharic, ā€œblessedā€ or ā€œblessed by Godā€.
  87. Kofi: Ghanaian, ā€œborn on a Fridayā€.
  88. Kurō: Japanese, ā€œnineā€ and ā€œsonā€.
  89. Lautaro: Native American, ā€œdaringā€ or ā€œenterprisingā€.
  90. Leif: (life or layf) Scandinavian, ā€œheirā€.
  91. Leon: Greek, ā€œlionā€.
  92. Limbani: Chewa, ā€œbe strongā€.
  93. Luca: Italian, ā€œbringer of lightā€ or ā€œsacred woodā€.
  94. Lucan: Italian, ā€œbringer of lightā€; Irish, ā€œplace of elmsā€.
  95. Maleko: Hawaiā€™ian, ā€œof the god Marsā€ or ā€œwarringā€.
  96. Malik: Greenlandic, ā€œwaveā€.
  97. Mateo or Matias: Spanish, ā€œgift from Godā€.
  98. Mathis: (mah-tis) French, ā€œgift of Godā€.
  99. Mauro: Italian, ā€œdarkā€.
  100. Mazin: Arabic, ā€œrain cloudsā€.
  101. Meka: Hawaiā€™ian, ā€œeyesā€.
  102. Mekhi: Hebrew, ā€œHe who is like Godā€.
  103. Micah: Hebrew, ā€œwho is like the Lordā€.
  104. Milan: Slavic, ā€œgraciousā€ or ā€œdearā€.
  105. Mohan: Indian, ā€œbewitchingā€.
  106. Murad: Arabic, ā€œwishā€ or ā€œdesireā€.
  107. Naeem: African, ā€œbenevolentā€ or ā€œkindā€.
  108. Nicanor: Spanish, ā€œvictorious armyā€.
  109. Nico: German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, ā€œvictory of the peopleā€.
  110. Nikolos: Greek, ā€œvictorious peopleā€.
  111. Nuri: Arabic, ā€œfireā€.
  112. Ozias: Hebrew, ā€œstrength from Godā€.
  113. Paco: Native American, ā€œbald eagleā€.
  114. Paolo: Latin, ā€œlittleā€.
  115. Rafael or Raphael: Spanish, ā€œGod healsā€.
  116. Rasmus: Scandinavian, ā€œbelovedā€.
  117. Rasul: Arabic, ā€œprophetā€ or ā€œmessengerā€.
  118. Raul: Italian, ā€œwolfā€™s counselā€.
  119. Ravi: Hindi, ā€œSun godā€ or ā€œkindā€.
  120. Razi: Hebrew, ā€œsecretā€.
  121. Rico: Spanish, ā€œnoble rulerā€.
  122. Rocco: Italian, German, ā€œrestā€.
  123. Runako: African, ā€œhandsomeā€.
  124. Sahale: Native American, ā€œaboveā€.
  125. Sahen: Hindi, ā€œfalconā€.
  126. Salim: Arabic, ā€œpeacefulā€ or ā€œflawlessā€.
  127. Santiago: Spanish, Portuguese ā€œof Saint Jamesā€. Can be shortened to Santi.
  128. Sergio: Italian, ā€œattendantā€.
  129. Soren: Danish, ā€œstrictā€.
  130. Soterios: Greek, ā€œsaviorā€.
  131. Suijin: (soo-jin or see-jin) Japanese, ā€œwater spiritā€.
  132. Sulaiman: Indonesian, ā€œpeaceā€.
  133. Tajo: Spanish, ā€œdayā€.
  134. Tāne: (tah-nay) Maori, ā€œmanā€.
  135. Taro: Japanese, ā€œfirst-born sonā€.
  136. Tau: (tore) South African, ā€œlionā€.
  137. Teo: Greek, ā€œgift from Godā€.
  138. Thaddeus: Aramaic, ā€œcourageous heartā€.
  139. TĆ³mi: Norse, ā€œthunderā€.
  140. Ulani: Polynesian, ā€œcheerfulā€.
  141. Vancho: Macedonian, ā€œGod is graciousā€.
  142. Varam: Georgian ā€œvictoriousā€; Latvian, ā€œwe canā€.
  143. Xavier: Spanish, ā€œnew houseā€.
  144. Yasin: Turkish, ā€œageā€.
  145. Zain: Arabic, ā€œgraceā€.
  146. Zaire: Bantu, ā€œriver that swallows riversā€.
  147. Zane: Hebrew, ā€œGodā€™s gracious giftā€.
  148. Zelek: Aramaic, ā€œto cleaveā€.
  149. Zenon: Greek, ā€œgift of Zeusā€.
  150. Zephyr: Greek, ā€œwest windā€.
  151. Zubair: (zoo-bah-eer) Arabic, ā€œpowerfulā€, ā€œstrongā€, and ā€œwiseā€.
  152. Zuri: Swahili, ā€œbeautifulā€.

We hope you enjoyed our ultimate list of exotic baby boy names!

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