Community Posts, Tips & Support on Adoption, Fostering & Surrogacy

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Adoption, Fostering & Surrogacy.

2nd Child

So I'm thinking about trying soon for baby no.2, but I'm super hesitant, really, only because ... my first one is like the devil's spawn 😂. I love her to bits, but my gosh, she is a handful at times... I've heard that if the first born is challenging, then the 2nd is docile, but I've also heard that baby no.2 can…


Parenting style

Do any other step mamas feel trapped in terms of parenting style, in that you can’t develop your own style with your own child(ren) because there is a style already adopted with your step children and it wouldn’t be fair to parent them in a different way? If so, how did you find/navigate this? I’m struggling with ...


Encounter with rude racist people

Hi all We took our 3 year old son to an alpaca farm today.. he is the only kid at the farm and is quite excited and restless to go in to touch alpacas and feed them .. my son is quite vocal and is echolaliac .. One of the couple from the group seemed annoyed of him .. and adding to this my son happened to bump in...


Do people care less about my second baby?

Baby boy is now 9 days old, and for some reason I’m really letting it get to me that we’ve received fewer cards/gifts than we did first time around 😢 I know that sounds really shallow but it’s still a huge life event for us, but I guess people seem to think you must be fine second time? My love language is gift…


Second baby!

How do people decide when it’s the right time to have a second child, or it your even sure if you want to? Me and my partner want to but we are so stuck on the fence as we have 2 crazy dogs. I just can’t bare the thought of 2 high energy dogs, a toddler and a new born! Shall o just do it and pray we all stay sane...


Custodial Visitation

How do y’all moms handle (emotionally) your child/ children having visitation out of state/ in the state which you live with the other parent that you don’t trust wholeheartedly? When does it get easier? How do you cope with it?



I am just growing more and more in love with my little man. His dad decided he’s already raised 2 kids (my bonus kids are 5 and 7 now) and he wants to step back and let me take on the majority of the baby care. I’m shocked and saddened but feeling stronger and empowered everyday. Keeping a grateful heart! Our God is...


High AMH egg retrievals….

Please can you tell me about your results from an egg retrieval with high AMH 👌🏼 xx


Grandparent Support

Hi everyone, This post is more of a rant than anything else… and I am curious to know if anyone else has encountered something similar. My 11month old is the first grandchild of my family. I expected my Mum to be a lot more present and interested than she is. What doesn’t help is that she lives about a 4hr drive awa...


Colostrum harvesting

First time collecting colostrum so happy with myself😁 with my first I was unable to BF due to being in hospital afterwards and being separated from her. Very determined to exclusively BF this time round🥰


43 year old?

Are there any successful pregnancies at 43 or older? How many egg retrievals and transfers did it take? I’m just preparing for the uphill battle I’m about to take on. Thanks. 😊



Has anyone else had social involvement in their pregnancy and how did you get them off your back. They’re concerned because I’ve been in adoption myself and I’ve been through certain situations which lead to trauma


FET 9/27

Hey everyone! I’m scheduled for my 2nd FET this Friday. Anyone else have a transfer around the same date? Looking for connection and support!


My baby dad wants to come to my sons birth

My baby dad wants to come to my baby's birth and I don't feel comfortable with it especially when he will go on about me breastfeeding my son ..... I want to say no to him but he will start threatening me with his adopted sons social worker


Birth Certificate: don’t judge me 🫣

I have a 3 month old with soon to be ex partner. He went on holiday when our son was 3 weeks old and only told me about it 2 weeks before the holiday. I decided to go ahead and register our sons birth without him (UK) so he is not in the birth certificate. He’s not really on the ball with these things, however 2 day...


When does everyone decide to tell people they’re expecting?

Parents: Siblings: Friends: Work: Everyone else:


Single working mums, how are you doing it?

Hey! I’ve got a 3 year old and I’ve just split up with his dad. How do you cope financially?? His dad will probably move back to England and I doubt he’ll be giving me any sort of child maintenance. I’m a social worker so on okay money, just worried about the logistics of nursery payments and everything else.


Baby number 3

Hi everyone! I always envisioned myself having 4 children and I welcomed my second child in February this year. I’m 32 years old and I’m wondering how I could possibly handle a third. I also have an almost 3 year old . I’m a sahm and very dedicated to my kids but I’m so tired. I don’t know whether to grow my family...


Message after giving birth for family and friends

How did you politely say that you don't want visitors straight away?


Stims Round 2😅

Anyone else in their stim cycle? Starting stims tonight for my second ivf round. Heres to hope this is the one🤞🏼