Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Planning for a Baby.
Going through a break up, due in march next year, how did you ladies sort it out with visitation once the baby arrives ?
Yesterday I did a LH test that was positive. It was CD14. Today did the test again and the line was stronger. I usually ovulate CD16/17, which is tomorrow. I use Natural Cycles to track my cycle and ovulation. Hubby and I had sex last night and on Tuesday night, I’d love to do it every other day, but hubby isn’t ...
How soon did you test and when did you get a positive? (With a test that says you can test after a missed period) I’m 12 DPO and think I’m having some pregnancy signs (bloating, tiredness and frequent urination). Scared to test early and get a false negative 😅
Has anyone else tested low and what was your journey?
Anyone pregnant again already? My LG is 10 weeks tomorrow and on Thursday I was going to have my implant fitted... I did a pregnancy test that morning as they asked and it was a faint positive.. Somewhat freaking out as we didn't plan to try for our second for at least a year.. Having a really tough time trying to f...
Tested today at 8dpo according to flo. Hard negative 😢 I can’t help thinking I won’t get that positive any time soon.
Just failed my driving test today. I cried infront of the examiner and the instructor. I am 36 weeks now and I am not sure if I should retake the test within 2 weeks or wait till I give birth. I feel shit.
Is this a Evap line or faint positive ?
I’m so upset. I’ve literally gotten 5 positive pregnancy tests, just for two days later to start gushing blood. My period came 2 days early, which I’m assuming pushed up my ovulation to the 17th of October instead of the 19th (what my app had.) Ironically based off symptoms I could have sworn I ovulated the 18th. Wh...
We transferred our one and only embryo yesterday! We are praying that it sticks! My Beta is on 11/11
It’s driving me insane. I never get a peak on this app ?!? Clear blue was negative but to me that’s a strong peak the line is the most dark it’s ever been. We had sex last night to cover it. But my boyfriend is now away for 2 nights due to work.. so won’t be able to go again. I will keep testing but today the line i...
Has anyone else been diagnosed or experienced a pregnancy while having LOW PAPP-A? I’m panicking and freaking myself out.
I am today 15dpo and period was due 2/3 days ago. These tests are giving extremely faint lines if not nothing but I am getting a digital positive test, I did on Sunday and again today. How long should it be before I expect a bleed? Is there a way to test my hcg levels? Thank you
Hi everyone. ☺️ After a miscarriage back in July we decided to try again and today I'm 4w 6d pregnant with my 3rd child. Now please tell me that it's normal to have such a strong line at this stage 😂
Did/do you like being an only child?
Is it possible to test negative at 9dpo and test positive later? I am having cold like symptoms and my boobs hurt. Been having some cramping on my left side and excess saliva. Thoughts?💭 Also bad dreams.
Is anyone changing their mind about doing pgt testing on embryos due to the recent class action law suit against testing companies? We were planning to do it but now I’m not so sure - over 40 and this will be our first ivf round (never been pregnant so we thought testing would be worthwhile). Thoughts?
Have you had mandatory counselling for IUI/IVF? If so, what questions did they ask? How personal did they get? How many mandatory sessions did you get?
Hi mamas! So my husband will be getting his vasectomy reversed within the next few months. We have 2 beautiful boys already and my husband and I decided we really do want a third. We are still young (29) and he got his vasectomy less than 3 years ago so we are really praying the reversal works! I’d love to hear anyo...
39w and only a cm dilated and 50% effaced. I’ve actually been bawling for the last couple hours over this. I just can’t stand to be pregnant anymore. I would’ve thought I was much further with the amount of pain and lighting crotch the last several weeks. I think it’s also the thought of knowing I’ll probably make i...