You feel crampy after, I felt okay after a few days. I’m sure after having a baby it’s much easier too, I had it before pregnancy!
@Verity I will also update you tomorrow after I get mine
I just had to remove mine as I got pregnant with it and then suffered a miscarriage. The iud itself caused light bleeding for a few days after I got it and that was that. The pain was like a punch nothing crazy and I was feeling myself about 1-2 weeks after. I did however get heavier periods and cramps
@Sarah Oh wow, how long have you had it for before you got pregnant with it?
My baby now was born March 31st of last year and I got it as soon as I was cleared to do so like a month afterwards I had the positive test 2 weeks ago and then miscarried the following Wednesday so I had it in for a little over a year prior to this occurrence
They advised me to take pain meds about 30 minutes before the procedure. I got one put in before I had a baby, and it was pretty painful immediately after and then for the rest of the day I was in a moderate amount of cramping pain. But after that I was fine. Second time after a baby, not nearly as painful. Still took it easy for the day they put it in. Mine was copper only, cause my body seems to not like the hormones and also I thought I’d be freaked out if it stopped my period. I hope it works well for you! I liked it but it’s different for everyone. You might have times where your partner gets poked by the threads, but just readjust positions a bit and it should stop. The threads will get more bendy as time goes on so that will happen less
@Verity Update: I had to reschedule my appointment and just got the IUD today. The proccess wasnt painful, only felt pressure and it was pretty quick. So far Im happy as I havent had much cramps
I’m getting Mine in a week so I’m following x