@Jess I think the same and also feel ok about it if that's the case! But would be good to see evidence as I don't actually know! X
https://www.nct.org.uk/baby-toddler/games-and-play/screen-time-for-babies-and-toddlers-evidence https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10353947/ https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/childrens-health/in-depth/screen-time/art-20047952 I think these are quite a good pages. We personally don’t use any screen time. The WHO recommends none under 2 and in my opinion it’s for very good reason. The vast majority of research suggests that screen time does affect development. We are seeing massive links between screen time and obesity, mental health problems in children under 10 including anxiety and depression etc. the facts are that screen time for every person, children and adults, damage the messages and links sent between the brain synapses. There isn’t conclusive evidence for just how much is too much so I’d rather not risk it. The brain before age 2 is constantly developing. Whilst I know he will of course eventually watch a screen, I’m not prepared for it to be now
Both really interesting! I suppose it also depends on the type of screen, I wouldn’t give her an iPad or a phone but I’m happy with the tv on when we’re indoors and I’m preoccupied. She also doesn’t sit still and watch, she’ll be going about her playing whilst glancing at it. If she was sat on her bum staring at it I’d be horrified and have a zero tolerance policy. So many caveats I didn’t realise I had until reading that! X
@Amelia thank you. I appreciate people have differing views on it and it can be a controversial topic. I will have a look through the links you've posted.
For anyone who is against screen time, did you not watch tv etc when you were a child?
Following as I’ve been meaning to look into this. I’m of the opinion that number 2 is correct which is why I’m happy with the balance we have but have never actually looked in to it! X