@Victoria I’ve got one that’s just about to start a mini music time which I’m going to go to and it’s free which is great. But I get bored so my LO must do to and I just want to make sure I’m doing everything I can for her
Ah that’s great. Yeah must be hard. The other thing is local parks, even just going to the shops. My boy loves sitting in the trolley x
We do a lot of messy plays. I brought a truff tray and they all get done in there. He absolutely loves them. We do loads of different themes x
Where are you based? I have a mum WhatsApp group they share loads of free or cheap things to do each day of the week in south east London. I went to the telegraph hill play group on Monday and it was such fun. They have an outdoor space with cars and bikes they can play in or inside was a class where they did hoola hooping and singing dancing and lots of toys for them to play with.
Oh and it was all donation based so free but would be nice if you could donate anything x
When I’m at home with my little one I can only manage if i timetable my day. I know not everyone likes that but it’s how I get the day in. So we normally do something like 6:30 get up and she has tv time whilst I get sorted for the day Breakfast 6:30 Then get her ready. Then I alternate twenty minutesish of activity followed by 20 minute free play e.g. Story time Nusery rhymes Building blocks Fine motor activities (Tik tok) Playing with different balls Animal sound game on IPad Messy okay (Tik tok) Walk for 30/60 minutes Nap two hour Music time It doesn’t always go to plan and is by no means perfect but it works for us. The day can feel long though
Do you have any local churches/libraries that do things for babies? Around where I live they do those type of things for free or you pay about £2