I want to get mine one of those stools for the kitchen so she can "help" but they're quite a big item.
What about you can get a magnetic play set that’s zoo or farm it has magnetic tiles so you build your own farm/zoo
Does he have any of the little people sets? My daughter loves the farm set and plays with it daily x
@Josie do you have a link for this? Sounds amazing!
I’m getting her a balance bike like you for 1 and a small play kitchen for the other x
We’ve started her birthday list on here. This is shared between us, friends and families and we do a range of gifts with different price points if they wanted to get her bits. They’re probably a bit more on the girly-side but there might be some bits that catch your eye if you needed some ideas 🥰: https://www.thingstogetme.com/1190696a6c631
@Josie thank you!
Trip to the zoo?