Is this for everyone or like her tv
She’s three and it’s her tv
Then don’t get her another one. She doesn’t need one at this age anyway.
And for future with anything you just discipline them. Time out or take something away. For this take the tv and she doesn’t get one
Mount it in the wall so she can’t reach it, hide the cords so it can’t be pulled. They sell plastic pieces that you put on the wall to hide the cords.
She’s gonna rip it out of the wall
@Kristina and also she is very smart for her age she’ll figure out how to pull it down
Well you can always YouTube some electrical and move the outlet up behind the tv. That’s pretty extreme in my opinion if she ripping it off even if there is a code cover then she doesn’t need one.
I just wouldn’t buy her a new one my son is 3 and has a tv in his room too but like me and his dad discussed if he breaks it we will not be buying a new. I would also take her tv time bc she broke her tv for a day or so. So she understands the concept
I’d just say no more tv for her tbh. It’s a luxury not a need and if she’s just going to damage it or “rip it out of the wall” she doesn’t need it or appreciate it. Use it as a lesson in consequences and actions, until she’s old enough to understand damaging expensive things she gets nothing xx
Frankly if my 3 year old did this to a tv she wouldn’t have one again for a while until she was older and was able to understand that they’re easily breakable. If she’s smart enough to break it she’s smart enough to realize why she doesn’t have one. She doesn’t need one
1. Let her go without the tv for a day or two...."Well, you broke yours, so no tv." 2. Try and get a taller dresser. On FB or dumpster iving if youre on a budget. My sons tv is up higher and he doesn't break it. Also 3. And the cords are behind the dresser.
I wouldn’t buy another one
They actually sell covers for tv’s. I didn’t know this was a thing until my son broke a 3k tv 💀😭 we had to get another and found out a cover for $100 has helped so much!! It blends right in. Just need to buy the right one for your tv model.
How old is she