I take Zoloft for depressive moods and I haven’t noticed any side effects. It can make you a little sleepy, so I take it at night
Hiya - I’ve been on and off it for 7 years. It definitely did help. I personally took it at night as when I took it in the morning it made me super nauseous
I was taking it and it worked for a little and then the meds switched their side effects around. It’s great for pregnant mamas and breastfeeding mamas, but I had to switch to lexapro and that works best for me. Mamas mental is important ❤️
Zoloft suppressed my hunger & gave me insomnia. Cymbalta was my go to bc it worked instantly. It just gave me the brain zaps ⚡️ lol
I would just say make sure you have something in your stomach when taking it as it can cause stomachaches and/or headaches
I've been on them on and off since I was 21 (I'm now 29). I came off them and got prescribed them again when little boy was 5 weeks as I was diagnosed with postnatal depression. It took a few days to get in my system but afterwards I soon felt relaxed and less on edge about everything.
Oh you’ll get brain zaps if you stop taking it cold turkey. They are NOT fun
It’s been the best for me! I’ve been on it for nearly 2 years. Im currently on 150mg daily. After about a month, I really noticed a change (for the better)