I got my lg teddys, Thomas the tank engine sets, clothes(dressing gown/pjs/jumpers), babies, play kitchen, electric car and bath toys. I’ll be getting shoes nearer the time too
Puzzles, Tonie box, Baby doll & pram, Books, Sticker books, Colouring books
Our list consists of a scooter, books, a pinkyponk cos he loves the one in the night garden 🤣 and letters and numbers for the bath
We've got an easel with white board one side and black board the other and will get more craft bits, a scooter, kitchen helper tower and toddler knives set and some new bath toys I think
What kind of scooter have you got?
I’ve been writing ideas down as I’ve seen things: Scooter Play doh Domino train Wooden train set (Aldi have lots of wooden stuff coming in tomorrow)