Are there any baby and toddler drop in groups near you? I spend my days off going to different ones. My girl gets to play with different toys, other kids and I get to have a cuppa and chat to other mums xx
Baby sensory, mums and tots group, library rhyme time classes
@Yasmin my little girl is exactly the same at the moment in ever draw taking things out, putting things in the wash basket! Really inquisitive ! 💖💖💖
@Michelle not near me but I’m going to look into some 💖💖
@CeeCee owww the library is such a good idea!! 💖
My baby loves cause and effect toys and mainly exploring the house! He loves to take socks in and out of the sock drawer, will look at himself in the mirror, explores the cupboards all supervised of course but he makes a lot of his own fun! My mantra is if he’s safe I let him play and explore and tidy the mess behind him 😂 x