
What kind of skills are you working on with your little one/ have they mastered? I'm thinking along the lines of academic skills (letters, counting, etc) and also anyone working on gross motor skills deliberately and can share some ideas?
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Colors, shapes, counting to 10, coloring, vocabulary and exposing to new things (make sure to not just tell them “say this” hands on really helps with vocabulary, putting stickers in “correct” places like dot stickers in a circle, etc.

Mine is into letters & numbers right now, so lots of practice with alphabet puzzles and counting. As far as gross motor... He just got a balance bike for his birthday, so he's learning to do that

We just got something similar to the balance bike, but one we can push so she can take it on walks. And for her birthday on Friday she’s getting a mini outdoor play set - so she can climb all she wants and if she falls she’s not high off the ground. As far as “academia” we’re in a similar boat to Nicki above - ABCs, counting, colors. We’re talking a lot about family and home and Halloween. I also try to have her “help” me as well - studies say it helps build confidence and work on motor skills. She loves to throw things away haha and put clothes in her hamper. Last night she helped me out items in her goodie bags for her classmates for her bday. We make different types of healthy muffins weekly when I’m on my game (lol) and she likes to “mix.” Sometimes I just give her a little bowl for herself of flour and some water and just let her make a mess mimicking what I’m doing.

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