Help, colic symptoms

My LB is 13 weeks, and the last few nights he has been really hard to settle and shows signs of colic. I suspect it originally started a week or so ago, but now it's really coming out and he cries for a few hours in pain and is hard to comfort. Has anyone experienced this happening at 12/13 weeks? He was ebf until about 5 weeks ago but now has 2 ready mixed formula bottles a day. We have been swapping out the formula to see what works best for him as he seems to spit up a lot. Any help on how to get through this as we've not experienced this before and the crying breaks my heart 😭
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Have you tried colic drops, infacol or gripe water? I was told that changing formula and also mixed feeding can cause discomfort to babies while they get used to it. Good luck mumma

How often are you changing his formula?

I've changed it after 3 days as I read online that it takes that long for baby to get used to it. I've tried gripe water and it didn't do anything. He spat it back out and same for infacol 😪

You need to give at least 2 weeks for his stomach to settle after a change in milk. 3 days is far too early to be changing milks and that could be really upsetting his tummy.

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