White poop is usually down to gutt issues, a cold could cause this, if these continue after a week I'd be tempted to look into their diet or possibly contact a doctor for blood tests 😁
I hope it’s not anything too serious 😳
@Jenny have they had a lot diary recently?
My LG has a really bad cold/virus at the moment and her poop is the same colour but she's only really drunk milk and eaten yogurt for a few days as her throat is sore so I've put the colour mainly down to these factors.
Same as @Rachel here! Little boys has been similar and also had more milk/yoghurt last couple weeks due to a cold/cough and therefore off his food xx
My baby had gastroenteritis last week and when his poo firmed back up it looked like this and then returned to normal, sounds like the cold is just working its way out of their system but I’d monitor over the weekend and then go doctors if it doesn’t change ☺️
I’d definitely go get checked, I’ve recently had gall bladder issues and pale poo is one of the ones the nhs say to get checked as it can be liver related x
@Sophie we switched over to fully on cows milk and he does have yoghurt and cheese. He loves yoghurt
@Rachel similar to us. Ok maybe it’s that - I will monitor Thank you everyone for your advice ❤️
My son had this a few times already during flu's and it always returned back to normal so I personally wouldn't worry unless it continues for longer. One time it was actually very white and creamy (hard to wipe off) for 1 week and I went to the GP and they said it's normal. Also returned to normal poo shortly after. I think it's all the viruses our kids go through
I’ve always been told white poo you need the hospital
It's not unusual for poop to be pale of they've had a cold/virus. However this looks particularly white. I'd maybe seek some medical advice from 111 x