We never got round to getting a thermometer 😂 but both my toddler and baby like a warmer bath, I just use elbow/wrist test :)
@Bobbie Wilson see i used my elbow once when we ran out of batteries and when i tested it again it was about 32! I felt awful 😂 I just don’t know how warm would be too warm for her? She had her jabs last week which I don’t think is helping as she’s now developing a bit of a temperature and was shivering after her bath tonight xx
Try your wrist it's a bit better :P I can't say I can help because my toddler would tell me first if the temps wrong 😂 I'd say use the thermometer now for a little bit longer and get used to how it feels or just try a degree warmer each time to see how they like it :)
I still use a thermometer but in fairness, my little boy has always enjoyed a warmer bath of 38/39. He also went through a phase of hating the bath, which was strange because he’s always loved it! It only lasted 2/3 weeks and he’s back to loving his bath times now x
I’ve actually never used a thermometer for my sons baths 😅 I’d just feel to see if it felt luke warm and then I’d add a little bit more hot as he’d like it just a bit above Luke warm 😅 x
Never bothered checking mine lol didn’t do it with my first child either
@Ashleigh I'd potentially put it down to the jabs over the bath temp. My LG came down really poorly a week after her jabs and completely went off baths which she usually loved. A week later she's finally getting over it and went back to enjoying her bath last night 😊 We've never used a thermometer just ran it to a comfortable temperature. Hope she feels better soon! Xx
Yes, between 36-37, but in summer I remember sticking her in at 30 and she was perfectly happy x
As adults it's not recommended to have baths above 37/38 so it's probably not a good idea to have it warmer for a baby.
@Rebecca hey sorry to jump on this, I've never heard this? Do you know why? (Genuine curiosity 😂 I have my baths hot as lava 😂)
@Bobbie Wilson it's because it raises our body temperature so it can affect blood pressure and you can pass out. I love a lava bath too 😂was gutted when I had to start having them cooler when pregnant!
Always read not to have bath warmer than body temp for baby so we always go with 36
Honestly I’ve never checked the bath and I’ve got 2 children. I just run it hot and then add a bit of cold. If it’s not too hot for my hand, then i dunk them in. My 3 year old will tell me if it’s too hot or cold 😂
Following x