Agree with Aimee it depends on whether they have other symptoms than just some puke after feeds. Proper reflux (or silent reflux) includes extreme discomfort, arching the back, often inability to lie on their back. Usually worse at night. If your baby is a ‘happy puker’ there’s no need to take any action
@Allie this is helpful. I noticed that these days she's been arching her back and a couple of times have been screaming in pain. Is this colic that is reflux related? I'm not sure tbh
Ah yeah the back arching and being really uncomfortable either after feeds or just most of the day is a tell tale sign. It can’t hurt to ask the GP if that’s happening. We started infant gaviscon which is helping a lot (but I’m just giving a really small dose so she doesn’t get constipated from it)
If she’s mostly putting on weight and generally happy apart from the odd occasion of being uncomfortable then I’d leave it. My LG is exactly the same. Their oesophageal muscles aren’t particularly coordinated at this point so milk naturally refluxes up when they lie down. I am absolutely not anti-medication at all but my LG only opens her bowels every 3/4 days and is putting on weight so I don’t want to risk upsetting that balance x
^shes also EBF
Reflux is normal for all babies. So long as baby is putting on weight and isn’t crying for extended periods each day I’d say it’s fine . My first had it and got better by 4 months. My 10 week old also has it so hoping it sorts itself out by then too!