Can you find proper waterproofs on Vinted or the like? Esp if you baby wear, baby will be fine and will probably keep you warm! I have an energetic toddler who loves his puddle suit and wet walks so baby just gets wrapped up in the carrier
Do you have an Everyman near you? They do baby cinema, would highly recommend. Next week we’re going to try the aquarium. Besides that we do lots of coffee dates, local mum and baby meet ups usually free, breastfeeding cafes again free you don’t have to have an issue. Have a look what your local NCT group for your area does, most of them have Instagram pages, look what your local community centre and library does. You would be surprised how many free or nearly free activities there are out there. Some days we just stay home and play!
Deffo not too young for soft play, I took mine from 4 months. Most areas have free baby groups held in libraries, we go window shopping at shopping centre or just visit family and friends x
We walk round the shops and have coffee x
Cuddles on the sofa! Enjoy just staring at them whilst they sleep because soon they will be moving and you will be constantly on your feet 😂 Enjoy staying at home 😍
Aquarium x
A coffee/lunch with a friend or local playgroup/toddler group? Sometimes ill take my baby to the garden centre for a wander round by myself, I'm happy in my own company if needs be
We went to the aquarium the other day and my 4mo LOVED it! Her eyes were about popping out her head the whole way around and she slept so much after. If you don’t want to spend any money I would highly recommend a sensory bath and baby massage for one of her wake windows. If you’ve got or can get a cheap bubble machine, some battery fairy lights and some bath toys to use while she has a splash in the bath. Then lay her on a nice warm towel and give her a full body massage afterwards. Tickle her with different things and let her look at fair lights while you do it. I know it can feel like you’re not doing enough but remember she’s experiencing everything for the first time so even something like a massage to her is stimulating her brain xx
Not sure if you have a local family Center to you but they hold free baby classes we have been going to that which was nice. But now it’s getting colder and she got a cold we will be staying at home and playing with the lupette baby play gym we have.
Coffee dates with mum friends, local church playgroups are normally only a couple of pounds, on iplayer there’s a series called the Baby Club which I think might’ve started during Covid, so you can learn some songs and activities to do with baby, there are also some Hartbeeps classes and things like that on YouTube from the Covid era too. I think the BBC website has some activities for babies too. Don’t feel like you have to entertain your baby all the time, it’s good for them to have some floor time to practice rolling etc, baby can watch you doing jobs around the house, just narrate what you’re doing/sing/pull silly faces etc, they enjoy just being with you!