I've seen that doctors say 1 week. If he has wet nappys then he should be fine 🥰
The GP won’t be concerned until after 7-10days, my daughter was the same! They say breastfed babies absorb all the nutrients etc so they don’t poo as much as formula fed unless there in pain or scrunching there legs up the doctors won’t do anything! My daughter is exclusively breastfed and poo’s every 6/7days and is fine xxx
Thank you everyone! That makes me feel so much more at ease. I guess I’ll just sit back and wait for the explosion 😂. We’re getting the trumps, just no poop!
My baby poos once a week and it's a lot!!
Bf babies can go 2 weeks without pooping, but be prepared you're going to get a mega poo
So normal for 7 days x
7 days unless the 7th day falls on a weekend/ holiday to contact GP is what the health visitor told me when we had the same concern. they said it’s perfectly normal for BF babies to go days in between! This only does not apply if baby has changed feeding habits and/or has hard distended belly then you need to contact them asap
It’s normal for a breastfed baby to go without pooing fit up to two weeks so I shouldn’t be worrying yet. My daughter averages going every 10 days and when she went she WENT! 😂