
Did any of your babies experience colic/gas? My baby started getting super fussy around 5 weeks and it has peeked at 9’s soooo bad and I’m doing gas drops, cutting dairy and other gassy foods out of my diet, going to the chiropractor and nothing has helped yet. I know it can take 2-3 weeks after changing your diet to see a difference and it’s only been 1 so really hoping things improve soon. For those who went through this, when did your babies start to get better and was there anything you found that really helped?
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Yes! My baby started struggling around 4/5 weeks… she’s 3 months now and it seems a lot better than it was. We tried infacol and that didn’t work very well, but got recommended colief and found that worked sooo much better. It’s expensive but lasts a good while and I found it really helped my girl! She’s just started to come off it now xxx 🩷

@Jessica this gives me sooo much hope!!! Thank you so much😭 I will try Colief! We haven’t tried that one yet!! 💛

Yes, we started out giving him infacol, but that didn't really do a lot for him, so I was glad when he was old enough to start having Gripe Water as that helped a lot more.

We have been using Mylicon and it seems to help a little bit, but nothing crazy.

@Rachel what were the signs that gripe water was actually helping your baby? We have been using Mylicon and think it’s been helping a little but we really can’t tell much

@Kaitlyn he would stop crying was the main sign it was working. Also, his tummy went from being quite stiff, to relaxed again.

@Rachel oooh okay! Thanks for explaining! How quickly would you see results from each time you gave him the gripe water?

@Kaitlyn I can't really remember, to be honest, as it was like 2 years ago now. Quite quickly, though, as he would be able to go to sleep once it had started working.

@Rachel when is the age they’re old enough for gripe water?

1 month old I think

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