I would say it's okay if you are really worried about it just clean the tub good before
I give mine a bath so the heat helps soothe the muscles. Then I follow it with a lotion massage (and a lot of years from both of us), then bicycles. If you're worried about it running his night routine you could do a warm compress!
They actually recommend it to help with the discomfort
I was told not to x
You can still do things as normal, jabs are not an excuse to stop doing regular things.
@Nattinan I know it’s not an “excuse” I was just checking so I know to avoid something if it’ll make my baby unhappy.
@Airika Thank you I’ll try a warm compress too!
@Sarah Aw that’s good to know then!
@Alexus Yes that’s what I thought just didn’t know if sitting in his seat might’ve hurt his legs where they did it, I’ll give it a try anyway!
@Elena It’s one thing I didn’t ask but wish I did! I’m in two minds but I might try him and if he really doesn’t like it then at least I tried xx
@Caitlin they told me it’s in regards to temperature, if they have a temperature you wouldn’t wanna put them in an environment that’s warm. If they are all ok no temperature then u wouldn’t see any issues basically x
@Elena Ah yes I didn’t even think of that! I’ll check his temp just in case then! Thank you x
We gave our little boy a bath after his jabs, seemed to make him happier