My LO has the protein allergy too and she’s formula fed, we switched to hypoallergenic and had to try at least two and it’s been almost a month and her diarrhea has cleared up so it does take time for it to really work its way out of their system! My baby girl also has horrible reflux which causes her to spit up constantly and spits up a lot. That could be a possible reason for the vomiting but definitely still get that checked out!
It does take 4+ weeks for baby’s gut to heal and symptoms to fully go away. But.. egg and soya are also common baby allergens and seems like CMPA makes them susceptible to other allergies too. Keep a food diary and see if there’s any link.
There’s a really good FB page called Dairy Free Diet - Breastfeeding. It’s my go to as I’m in the same boat and always have questions. But I do believe this is pretty normal.
This used to stress me out with my LB when he started spitting up after feeds. He’s exclusively breastfed so I blamed myself & it felt so disheartening. But the more I’m around other babies the same age the more I’m realising how common it is. It may not even be an allergy or anything, just that their digestive system needs to mature. As long as they’re not in any discomfort or pain & still gaining weight, I think it’s absolutely fine.
Contact your health visitor since GO is not been helpful. Or a local midwife/ family hub for advice x